What Are Highlights in Hair?

Highlights are pieces of hair that have been lightened lighter than their natural color, using various techniques such as foiling, hair painting, and balayage.

Highlights can add depth, dimension, and movement to any base color and complement all skin undertones.

Foils: Classic Highlighting Method

Foils is a classic highlighting method using aluminum foil to coat specific strands of hair in color and create a more striking contrast between it and your base color. Regular touch-ups may be required to maintain this look.

Balayage: Freehand Technique

Balayage highlighting is a freehand technique that produces more blended and natural-looking highlights without damaging the hair as much as foils would. Bold colors can also be added for dramatic contrast.

Adding Dimension and Color

Highlights can be an effective way to add brightness or change without committing to a complete hair transformation. They can also thicken fine hair. The choice of subtle sun-kissed or bolder highlights depends on personal preference and consultation with a stylist.

Different Highlighting Techniques

Aside from foils and balayage, other highlighting techniques include ombre, pintura highlights, and metallic colors. Each method requires different processes and maintenance.

Adding Warmth to Your Hair

Highlights can add warmth and vibrancy to any look, particularly for brunettes. Balayage highlights are popular and require less maintenance than traditional foil highlights. Foil highlights involve saturating small sections of hair with dye using aluminum foil.

Adding Shine to Your Hair

Glazes offer a more subtle highlighting solution and can be applied over entire heads or just highlights. They help maintain and add shine to the hair.

Hiding Roots and Adding Dimension

Different highlights, such as strand lighting, baby lights, balayage, and ombre, can add dimension and style to the hair while hiding roots. They can also help minimize the appearance of gray hair and provide a youthful look.

Consultation and Preparation

Before getting highlights, discussing desired hairstyle and color preferences with a stylist is important. Clean hair free of dirt and product buildup is also necessary for optimal results.