5 Ways to Thicken Hair

No matter your genetic makeup, thickening your strands may not come easily – however healthy habits and styling hacks may provide some assistance. Expert trichologists (who specialize in scalp and hair health) offer scientifically-proven methods that may make your locks appear fuller. Gonzalez recommends using a bonding treatment, which nourishes your strands at the root for thicker-looking locks. In addition, avoid heat styling or tight styles to protect fragile strands and avoid breaking them.

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

“What you eat determines who you are” holds true when it comes to hair and skin health. Consuming foods rich in proteins, biotin, iron, vitamin C and other vital nutrients will help thicken strands. Include foods like whole grains, berries, sweet potatoes beans nuts fish in your diet to get these vital vitamins. Be careful about eating too much sugar as this will hinder hair growth and weaken and brittle it. Wash your hair two to three times each week; avoid over-washing as this can cause product buildup that compromises its health. And when drying it, avoid being rough with it or overcombing, since wet hair is three times weaker. As an extra measure, try adding in an invigorating hair mask post shampooing session.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

The scalp is comprised of skin, and just like other areas of our bodies it needs plenty of water to function optimally. Drinking 4-8 glasses a day may help ensure that our scalp remains hydrated – helping reduce itching, dry flakes, breakage and potential hair loss caused by itchy scalp conditions. Drinking plenty of water can also help flush away toxins from your system that hinder hair growth. Be sure to wash your hair two or three times every week using shampoo designed to promote thicker locks, and be sure to moisturize after each wash using either olive oil or products containing it. A scalp massage and weekly scalp scrub can also promote healthy locks; while Nutrafol supplements designed specifically to increase thickness can further help thicken them.

3. Avoid Smoking

Smoking reduces blood flow to your hair follicles, decreasing their likelihood of growing thick and full. Therefore, it is crucial that smokers refrain from smoking altogether and instead find ways to stimulate scalp’s growth – for instance by supplementing with Vitamin C and biotin which both promote hair growth; additionally you could include more Omega-3 rich foods into their diet such as salmon and avocados for further results. Though it may not be possible to permanently double your hair thickness, there are techniques you can try that may make it appear fuller and healthier. Follow these simple tips to naturally thicken up your locks – though individual results may differ; several may need to be tried before any visible differences take place.

4. Get a Good Blow Dryer

Though it might not seem immediately evident, a quality blow dryer can significantly assist in thickening hair. Be wary of overdoing it with high heat levels and use a boar bristle brush regularly to maintain healthy strands. Try not to wash your hair every day as doing so may dries it out and makes it appear flat. Try incorporating dry shampoo to add volume and texture into your strands. For those with thin scalp hair, try a root cover-up product like Color Wow Root Cover Up which can mask thin strands and camouflage roots. Or add weightless powder like American Crew Boost Powder to add gravity-defying texture and volume quickly – both are cost-effective solutions to thicken up thin tresses! It’s an affordable solution to begin thickening up your locks!

5. Use the Right Styling Products

Though there is no magic formula for thickening hair, experts advise using products which support healthy growth. This may include using hot styling tools that cause breakage as well as deep conditioning treatments, natural remedies like saw palmetto and green tea as well as using shampoos and conditioners free from sulfates to keep scalp healthy. Texturizing sprays, salt sprays, root lifters and volumizing products can also be used to achieve fuller locks. For best results it is wise to avoid overwashing (which may dry out your strands), and add dry shampoo between washes as much as possible. If you want to minimize thin areas around your hairline, tinted powder with tiny keratin fibers could help soften fine lines and spots. And for those suffering from thinning roots, hair-fortifying shampoo may strengthen strands while supporting your scalp’s microbiome – just another way of taking steps against further loss!