Modern Design Ideas for Women With Type 1 Hair

If you have been fighting with that type, you are not alone. A lot of people who have a problem with their thinning hair often want to know what type of design to wear to cover it up and make it look better. There are three main categories that there are. The first is called the standard or natural type of hair, which means it has come from the genes in your parents. The next type is known as the Crop Hair cut, which is a very contemporary design which consists of short hair around your ears, which is cut down to your chin length. The last one is called the crew cut, and it is characterized by having hair cut in the middle of your back with plenty of room on both sides.

If that seems to lack the body it needs, you may suffer from type 1 Hair loss. That may be curly at the roots and straight at the tips. The key to knowing what each type requires is to know what each type has to work with and maintain it in a healthy way. Type 1 hair always has no real curl. The individual Hair strands can be coarse or fine, thin or thick, but usually they fall from root to tip without wagging. Luckily there are many beautiful styles for type 1 hair.

Styles For People With Type 1 Hair

There are some styles that are suitable for everyone, especially if your are one of the type 1 hair that needs to have a cut that is short yet elegant. Styles for people with type 1 Hair can be as simple as having your cut done at home or going out and having a professional do it. Your style can be as creative as you want it to be. Just like our fashion, designs are always changing so just because your style is “old” or “out there”, it does not mean that it is out of date.

Generally speaking most people do not discuss hair type very much since there are so many things that each individual has to do to look after their hair no matter their personal hair type. With that being said, do realize that there are actually some major differences involved with caring for certain kinds of Hair, namely the type 1 hair that has a tendency to break easily and needs to be washed regularly. When it comes to caring for this kind of this you need to first understand that this type of this is very sensitive and requires a lot more care than the other types. Here are a few Modern design ideas for those who have type 1 hair: