Embracing Your Curls – The First Steps to Loving Your Natural Hair

1. Embrace Your Curls

Accepting and loving your natural hair begins with taking its curls. Embracing your kinky, coily, or tightly curled locks may be challenging after years of straightening, but it will give you strength and resilience. Experimentation and seeking inspiration from YouTube, TikTok, or other curly-haired women can help you start. Regular trims and using hydrating products, such as leave-in conditioners or oils, will keep your curls healthy and moisturized. Avoid sulfates and opt for organic oils and shea butter-based solutions.

2. Know Your hair Texture

Understanding your hair texture is essential for proper care. Fine strands are delicate and prone to breakage, while coarser locks tend to become dry and dull. Determine your hair type by measuring its diameter or referring to hair texture charts. Hormonal shifts can also affect your hair texture.

3. Know How To Take Care Of Your Hair

Your hair may react differently in different seasons. Learn how to care for it accordingly. Regular trims every eight weeks will help maintain length, improve detangling, and prevent split ends. Understanding your hair’s behavior and using appropriate products are essential to successful care.

4. Don’t Try To Make Your Curls Do Things That They’re Not Meant To Do

Identifying your hair type is crucial to determine the proper care practices. Different textures require different approaches. For example, if your curls are dry and have fine strands, deep conditioning more frequently may be necessary—coarser curly hair benefits from protective styles like flexi-rods, cornrows, or Bantu knots. Regular haircuts are also crucial for growing long hair, as neglecting trims can lead to breakage and split ends.