How to Prevent Ingrown Hair on the Head

An ingrown hair occurs when a sharp tip of a hair curls back onto itself or grows sideways into its hair follicle and embeds itself beneath its skin, creating painful bumps. Here are some methods to prevent ingrown hairs on the scalp:

1. Regularly cleanse and exfoliate the area

Keeping the pores open helps to prevent ingrown hairs. Cleansing and exfoliating the area regularly can help achieve this.

2. Use shaving products designed to reduce friction and irritation

Shaving products designed to minimize friction and irritation can help prevent ingrown hairs on the scalp.

3. Use shampoos or scrubs containing salicylic acid

Shampoos or scrubs that contain salicylic acid can aid in opening hair follicles that might become blocked, reducing the chances of ingrown hairs.

4. Avoid shaving cream that causes irritation

Choose a shaving cream that does not irritate your skin, which can help prevent ingrown hairs.

Treating Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs occur when a hair becomes trapped beneath the skin’s surface, creating an inflammatory, painful bump. Here’s how to treat them:

1. Consult a doctor

If you have ingrown hair, avoid picking at it or trying to “pop” it yourself, as this can lead to infection. It is best to consult a doctor for safe and proper treatment.

2. Gently tease out the hair

In some cases, a sterile needle or tweezers can be used to gently tease out the hair trapped within an ingrown area. However, this should only be done with caution and under professional guidance.

3. Follow prescribed medication

In severe cases, a doctor may prescribe medication to treat ingrown hairs. It’s essential to follow the prescribed medicine and instructions.

Treating Infected Ingrown Hairs

When an ingrown hair becomes infected, immediate medical attention is necessary. Here’s what to do:

1. Stop shaving or removing hair in the affected area

Cease any hair removal methods in the area where the infected ingrown hair is present to prevent further irritation.

2. Seek professional medical help

Visit a physician who can provide appropriate treatment for the infected ingrown hair, which may include antibiotics or other medications to address folliculitis.

Getting Rid of Ingrown Hairs

If you are dealing with persistent ingrown hairs, consider these tips:

1. Seek permanent hair removal techniques

Laser treatments or electrolysis can be effective in preventing future ingrown hairs. Consult a professional for these permanent hair removal options.

2. Use scalp scrubs or exfoliants

To unblock hair follicles, use a scalp scrub or exfoliant. Be cautious in selecting products to avoid irritation and excessive buildup of dead skin.

3. Avoid popping cysts

If a cyst forms around an ingrown hair, do not attempt to pop it, as it can introduce bacteria and potentially cause an infection. Consult a healthcare provider for appropriate treatment, such as using antiseptics or natural remedies like lavender or tea tree oil.