5 Hairstyles to Cover Bald Spots

Even if your hair loss is progressive or complete, an array of styles can help conceal or camouflage any bald spots and boost confidence and self-esteem.

The undercut is one of the most versatile hairstyles worn by celebrities and regular guys. It’s especially ideal for men beginning their baldness journey since it can disguise any thinning areas and has numerous styling possibilities.

Another fun hairstyle to cover bald spots is the scarf look, which is trendy. It works exceptionally well if your long locks are thinned at the top because they create volume around the face and promote the body.

Curly hair makes it hard to conceal receding hairlines, but you can make it appear fuller using specific techniques. Have your barber create inner and perimeter layers to de-bulk the roots without losing the softness of your curls, then finish off by styling using light pomade for a moveable hold.

Get a comb over cut to one side, slick back with hairspray, and wear with preppy style for an eye-catching appearance. This style works exceptionally well if you have short hair or are still deciding whether to commit to an undercut.

Keratin fibers offer a practical and quick solution to cover up thin or balding spots, giving the illusion of fuller and thicker locks. These tiny thread-like fibers adhere to hair and scalp for an aesthetically pleasing result that gives an illusion of natural thickening and fullness.

hair extensions and wigs are great ways for women to cover bald spots, while bangs can provide an instantaneous update without taking drastic measures like growing out their locks or getting long haircuts. If blunt, straight-across bangs don’t appeal to you, try opting for thicker and layered bangs like those worn by Camila Cabello.

If your hairline has receded, try opting for a Caesar-style fade on the sides and a longer top that can be styled in various directions without further accentuating thinning hair or bald spots. This style won’t accentuate thinning any further.

The crew cut is a military-inspired haircut with a short length on both sides and back, leaving your top longer for easy maintenance. It’s low maintenance and masculine while helping conceal bald spots by diverting attention from your hairline towards its more extended top section.

This classic hairstyle has gained a bad reputation over the years for trying to hide bald spots, but when done right, it can be highly effective. It works exceptionally well on men with receding middle hairlines as it allows them to comb over one side to elongate their forehead and create more depth and width in their forehead area.