Dreadlocks Hairstyles

Dreadlocks can be an excellent way to express yourself and serve as a formal event hairstyle. But there are specific points to remember when wearing this look.

Locks can form in any hair texture, with curly or kinky locks tending to develop more quickly than straight ones.

Regular washing should help maintain their look while preventing them from becoming smelly and unruly.

Dreadlocks are a fantastic style option for black women because they look versatile and unique. This woman proves they can be worn in an office while remaining chic and professional.

One way of wearing dreadlocks is by sweeping them over one side. This style looks fantastic on black women of all ages and is easy to maintain; plus, it keeps hair out of your face all day!

Add some color and dimension to your hairstyle with this purple dreadlocks style, guaranteed to turn heads! Perfect for shoulder-length dreadlocks. Small dreads pulled back into a low bun topped with a halo.

Men who love dreads can experiment with an ombre look. Dyeing different hues into dreadlocks will bring out the softer features of your face.

Add some flair to this style with a high ponytail or side bangs to stand out. Your unique dreadlock style will surely attract the gaze of others.

Mod-locs offer men who desire a distinct style without too much maintenance a unique option that’s easy to keep looking their best. Plus, their thin locks may eventually thicken over time!

Contrary to popular belief, your hair doesn’t need to be dirty to grow dreadlocks; in fact, regular washing of your locks will keep it clean and prevent the development of odors or fungus on your scalp.

No matter your cultural affiliation or personal style preference, Rastafarian-inspired hairstyles like this will turn heads and stand out in a crowd.

A high-top dread style is an effective way to showcase your dreads without covering them up. Ideal for men with shorter dreads, this hairstyle also pairs nicely with beards or sideburns.

Dreadlocks can be styled into an eye-catching mohawk using a skin or taper fade for a dramatic look. Or use a centered bun to make your dreads stand out further and add a unique edge to your style.

If you want a more feminine style, try braiding your dreads into two high buns for an adorable yet casual look that will suit any special event or social gathering. This will give your face an irresistibly sweet charm!

Dreadlocks are an eye-catching style that exudes personality. Additionally, they’re an excellent way to showcase your creativity through hairstyling.

Try dyeing them with different hues to show off their intricate design further. Even adding lighter streaks for a dramatic look!

Another fantastic dreadlocks hairstyle would be having your barber give you a low fade on the sides and back while leaving longer, fuller dreadlocks at the top of your hair. This style resembles a mohawk with a shaved nape and is excellent for men who like taking risks!

Add some drama with an off-the-runway style hairdo that features high ponytail dreadlocks pinned back with an effortless high ponytail style and side bangs in a symmetrical arrangement for maximum impact! This hairdo can make an impactful statement. It won’t take much effort either and is sure to turn heads!