The cap method of highlighting is ideal for short or medium-length hair. It uses a plastic cap with perforations, allowing a stylist to pull small sections of hair through using a hook to achieve dramatic highlights. The intensity of the highlights depends on how much hair is pulled through each hole.
Easy to Use
Cap highlights are a convenient and cost-effective solution for those looking to save money on highlighting services. They come as part of kits, including mixing trays, powder, and gloves for easy application. The caps have a visible pattern and holes of various sizes to achieve different highlight looks. You can use pre-punched holes or create your own, but ensure they are evenly spaced.
Easy to Clean
Cap highlights are easy to add and usually cost less than foils. They produce more uniform results, making achieving specific colors or styles easier. However, cap highlights may be more challenging to use on long hair without causing discomfort when pulling through individual strands. After applying the highlight color, wait for the recommended time before rinsing and adding a toner or hydrating conditioner.
Easy to Store
A highlight cap is a convenient choice for adding highlights at home. It requires less time and effort compared to other techniques. Unlike foiling, where each strand is wrapped individually, the cap allows you to place highlights wherever desired. It’s easily cleanable and transportable for convenience.
Easy to Take to the Salon
Salon technicians offer various highlight techniques, so it’s essential to understand them to achieve optimal results within your budget. Cap highlights provide all-over coverage using a perforated cap, while foil highlights offer more control for dynamic looks. To create cap highlights, start by washing and conditioning your hair, then apply the lid and pull thin sections of hair through the holes as desired.