Growing out a bowl cut or your desired length takes time, with hair growing approximately half an inch a month, thus taking six months or longer to achieve the desired size. Medication promoting hair growth, such as telogen effluvium, can accelerate results; however, a holistic approach is also necessary for fast hair growth.
The LOC Method
The LOC Method (short for Liquid, Oil, Cream) is easy to moisturize dry hair while encouraging growth. However, this strategy works for most textures, especially those with high porosity (curly, coily, or kinky strands), which often feel thirsty.
Step 1: Liquid/Leave-In
Step one in the LOC method involves applying a hydrating leave-in conditioner after shampooing or co-washing your hair, followed by lightweight oils like coconut or avocado that won’t weigh down your strands and cause them to be greasy.
Step 2: Oil
Ensure you end your LOC routine with a creamy moisturizer designed for your texture and porosity to ensure maximum hydration for your curls. Aim for using something such as shea butter or cocoa butter that will provide long-term moisture-locking effects if your strands are low-porosity; otherwise, a light moisturizer might do just as well.
The LCO Method
The LCO Method (Liquid/Leave-In, Cream, and Oil) method has long been considered one of the best ways to keep natural hair moisturized and manageable. This moisturization technique simplifies length retention while stimulating curly locks’ healthy by keeping moisture locked into curly strands for longer-growth oaks.
Step 1: Liquid/Leave-In
As part of the LCO method, begin by washing your hair with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner or clarifying shampoo to address buildup. When rinsing thoroughly, gently towel dry your locks to eliminate excess water.
Step 2: Cream
The LCO method is a straightforward moisturization technique that layers leave-in conditioner, hair cream, and oil to deliver lasting hydration to low-porosity curls prone to dryness that need extra help maintaining their strands’ health. It’s beneficial for low-porosity curly locks whose cuticles need additional assistance keeping their locks supple and healthy.
LOC Every Day
Everyday use of the LOC method can damage your hair, leading to product buildup and leaving it feeling heavy – particularly true for wavy or delicate textures. Santiago suggests using the LOC method every other week on wash day or weekly, if possible, for optimal results, starting with clean curls and applying no more than three layers of products to your strands. She suggests the LOC method as an easy and cost-effective way to maintain twist-outs and braid-outs between washings, using light liquid and cream products not to overload strands with too much weight.
LOC Every Other Week
The LOC method can help maintain moisture in your locks but can leave behind product buildup. Switching over to LCO (Liquid Cream Oil) method may provide relief by saturating hair with water before coating it with cream and then adding oil as a barrier over your locs – also an excellent way to get rid of a greasy scalp. Ultimately, this is an invaluable method for creating locs while keeping them healthy, especially during their initial stages when they can often look limp or undefined.