Types of Hair Names


The mullet is an adaptable hairstyle suitable for many occasions and styles. Wear yours long with layers, and texture, or short and neat as Zendaya has shown here.

Mullet fish has an exquisite, bold taste and makes a beautiful dish when prepared grilled or escabeche style. Additionally, its oily flesh holds up well when deep frying – it is a popular food in Southeast regions and widely farmed.

Mullet may have a reputation as being an unsightly fish, but when caught and prepared correctly, it can become quite beautiful. Additionally, this protein-rich fish provides omega-3 fats.


Shag is a British term referring to anything from matted, rough hair to clothing with an undulated surface and coarse nap. Additionally, it may refer to dance moves or specific species of cormorant birds.

Rachel prefers cutting shag haircuts for clients with naturally wavy or curly textures, allowing their locks to maintain their most natural state. To style it correctly, she suggests using lightweight products and air drying or a blow dryer with diffused heat settings to shape and diffuse their locks.


A short pixie haircut makes a powerful style statement and pairs well with glamorous makeup looks. Maintaining its chicness requires only minor maintenance, such as occasional teasing or volume products to look its best.

Pixies are small, mischievous fairy-like creatures found in folk and fairy tales from southwest England and are often seen playing tricks on travelers or leading them astray.


Named for a mistress of a king, the pompadour has become a classic male hairstyle. While initially associated with women, Elvis Presley and other male rock stars popularized this look among men.

Today, many men pair their pompadours with some fade to add stability and definition to the style. Slick back with pomade for formal events or leave messy and textured for casual affairs; a pomp is perfect for formal and informal settings! Combine your desired part line before applying your favorite hair pomade or wax.


Octopuses can emit thick blackish ink into the atmosphere to mask the smell, help them avoid predators, and display some social skills in captivity by recognizing and interacting with individual human keepers. One in New Zealand even learned how to shut off aquarium lights by shooting water jets at them!

The octopus haircut is a layered style featuring plenty of texture on top and thinner layers that flip out like tentacles at the back for an appealing yet soft appearance that sets itself apart from its more formal counterparts.


Butterflies are adult flying stages of certain insects belonging to the Lepidoptera (Leh-peed-o-prah). Their wings are covered with thousands of tiny scales arranged in rows that give butterflies their beauty and color. Butterflies participate in many complex activities, such as hibernating, basking, puddling, and patrolling.

Other activities butterflies perform include laying eggs, sipping nutrient-rich water from puddles (often more males than females), and emitting chemicals known as pheromones to attract potential mates.

Wolf Cut

The Wolf Cut is an androgynous style that blends elements of shag and mullet for an eye-catching finish. The technique can be achieved on all hair lengths and made even more striking with bleached blonde highlights.

It works best on wavy or curly hair textures because their structure helps add volume and lessen choppy layers, but it can still be accomplished on straighter locks with some effort. Volume and thickness can be easily added to long hair when coupled with face-framing bangs.