What is a Tuft of Hair?

A tuft of hair refers to a clump or bunch of hair that is elongated and pointed at one end, often with long tendrils. It can serve as a crest or plume and is commonly found on the heads of mammals, birds, insects, and reptiles. Tufts of hair can come in different colors and textures, and they can be styled to suit the character or personality of an individual. In the furry fandom, tufts of hair are often seen on animal characters to give them a human-like appearance or to distinguish them from other animals.


Tufts of hair are clusters or bundles of fur or feathers that do not form part of an enormous coat or head skin. They are shorter than the main body and are known as crest, cowlick, stylish curl, messy fuzz, or set of tufts. Tufts are common among feral fursonas and original characters in the furry fandom. Sometimes, tufts of hair can be a sign of underlying developmental defects or conditions like spina bifida.


Tufted Hair Folliculitis (THF) is a condition where multiple protruding tufts of hair appear due to an enlarged follicular orifice. Symptoms include discrete lesions that are neither tender nor indurated, reddened and scaly surrounding areas, and perifollicular crusting or scaling. In neonates, tufted hair folliculitis may be associated with spinal dysraphism, commonly called the “faun tail sign.” MRI imaging can help detect cranial venous anomalies and other potential issues.


Tufted hair Folliculitis (THF) is a type of scarring folliculitis characterized by the clustering of multiple hair follicles with wide-dilated follicular openings on the scalp. Patients with THF may experience pain, itching, swelling, bumps, and gradually progressive hair loss or bald spots. Prompt recognition and appropriate treatment are essential for managing this condition and improving patient outcomes.