Men With Receding Hairline Treatment

Male Hair Loss

Men and women experience hair loss as part of the natural aging process; however, , it becomes an issue for some as their hairline recedes. Various treatments can help reposition a receding hairline.

Lotions like Minoxidil (Rogaine)

Lotions like minoxidil, available as Rogaine for Men and Rogaine for Women, promote new hair growth and can effectively treat a receding hairline.

Non-surgical hair Transplant

Non-surgical hair restoration treatments provide natural alternatives to medications like finasteride or minoxidil and can benefit men with receding hairlines and thinning locks. These non-invasive approaches deliver long-term solutions and give men fuller heads.

For men seeking an alternative to surgical hair transplants, re-coloring the scalp to give the appearance of thicker and darker areas is an effective solution. This method offers a lasting solution.

NeoGraft is a minimally invasive procedure that uses natural hair to fill in areas of thinning or balding without staples or stitches. This procedure is performed under local anesthetic and provides discreet and natural-looking results. It can benefit men and women with moderate thinning or receding hairlines and those with scars from previous treatments.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections use your blood sample to accelerate healing in targeted areas. This treatment involves plasma and platelets to promote cell growth and hair restoration. PRP injections are generally safe as they come directly from your body, reducing the risk of infection or rejection.

Additionally, CBD oil can promote tissue regeneration and reduce inflammation after surgery. Research shows that it aids in hair restoration by stimulating new hair growth in existing follicles.

Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant surgery involves harvesting healthy hair follicles from the donor area on the back of your head and transplanting them to balding or thinning areas on your scalp. This surgical procedure provides more dramatic results compared to non-surgical solutions. Advances in hairline establishment and follicle placement ensure a natural appearance.

Cleansing and numbing the transplant site are followed by making small holes or slits to place the follicles. Procedures typically last 4 to 8 hours, and scars may be left in the donor area, but they should become concealed as your hair grows back.

Propecia (Finasteride)

Propecia, also known as finasteride, has been clinically proven to stop or slow down the progression of male pattern baldness and help regrow lost hair. It blocks an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into DHT, which damages hair follicles over time. Studies show that nearly all men who took Propecia for five years saw visible results, such as increased hair growth and no further balding. However, Propecia should be taken as directed for best results, and consulting with a hair restoration specialist is recommended.