Men’s Back Hairstyles That Work With Receding Hairlines

Men with receding hairlines have several options when selecting a haircut to complement their receding hairline.

Undercut with Comb Over or Slicked Back

Choosing an undercut with a comb-over or slicked-back feature can make the forehead appear less square.

Rounded Neckline

A rounded neckline can create the illusion of a thicker neck, especially for those with thinner or smaller necks.

Widow’s Peak

Widow’s Peak refers to a V-shaped extension of the hairline in the center of the forehead, often caused by genetics.

Common Among Men and Women

Widow’s Peak is common among men and women, including many celebrities like Keanu Reeves and Leonardo DiCaprio.

No Connection to Character or Traits

The appearance of a Widow’s Peak does not indicate good or bad character; it is simply an inherited gene variant.

Triangular Hairline

Men with triangular hairlines have more angular features, starting lower on the temples and rising up to a point in the middle of the forehead.

Temporal Triangular Alopecia

This less common form of triangular hairline, known as temporal triangular alopecia, can affect both men and women.

Bell-Shaped Hairline

Bell-shaped hairlines feature curved edges that create the appearance of an oval face shape.

Rounded Hairline in Women

Rounded hairlines can be hereditary or develop due to hair thinning and are more frequently seen among women.

Hairstyle Tips for Triangle Face Shapes

For triangle face shapes, longer cuts like bobs may not be suitable. Opt for a chin-length cut with layers and texture to balance out the wider jawline.

Rounded Hairline

A rounded hairline is a straight line without jagged edges, giving the face a fuller and more voluminous appearance.

Changes in Age

The frontal hairline may change over time due to factors like genetics and the length of the frontalis muscle.

Concealing an Unattractive Hairline

Men with an unattractive hairline, including an M-shaped hairline from receding hair, can use styling techniques and products to help conceal it.


Cowlicks are distinctive hair whorls that develop along the crown and front of the head.

Naturally Defined Volume

Cowlicks, especially in curly or wavy hair, can provide natural volume for an eye-catching haircut.

Tips for Styling Cowlick Hair

Experiment with different part variations, such as deep side or middle parts, and consider using layers to balance out the appearance of the cowlick. Root-taming tools and lightweight hairspray can also help manage and style the cowlick.