How to Care For Light Curly Hair

1. Lightweight Products

A lightweight conditioner and leave-in will help your locks achieve soft, healthy-looking coils. When searching for products with minimal ingredients, avoid weighting down your locks. Ideal products should be lightweight and free from oil- and butter-based products that may coat and weigh down your hair’s beautiful strands. Look for light products made of water, natural oils, and plant extracts as the main ingredients; these will typically appear first on any list. It should also be free of heavy molecules that cannot be broken down by water (such as silicones and synthetic cationic polymers) while having fewer sealing agents (oils and butters). Such lightweight options should also work for those following the Curly Girl Method.

2. Define Your Curls

Hydration and the right styling products are essential to create defined curls. Deep conditioning your hair regularly will help your strands maintain adequate hydration levels, thus encouraging curl definition while preventing frizz. Avoid harsh dyes