How to Draw Anime Curly Hair

Wavy hair can add an extra boost of volume and give your characters more body. It is an easy anime hair style to draw, adaptable for use on various characters designs. Start off by sketching a light outline of the head using curved lines.


Short, long or unruly – each anime character’s locks conveys something about their individual character’s personality. As with other examples of hair style examples, begin by drawing a basic outline of your character’s head and adding their hairline. Next draw back section of hair in small clumps that overlap and protrude out from both sides of the head; erase portions that cover more of their head after that step is complete. For additional tips on drawing the face from a side view, check out our Guide to Anime Face Drawing and tutorial How to Draw a Cool Demon!


Drawing anime hair can be challenging, but you can make the process simpler by creating layers. By breaking up the process into separate steps you will eliminate any overlapped lines and be able to focus on each individually. Start by tracing the outline of your character’s head. Be sure to draw in their hairline, which will come in handy later when placing their front section of hair. Sketch the main line of pigtails first, adding rhythm lines inside to show their shape and volume. Finally, finish your hairstyle off by drawing cute bows on the ties – or draw bows for added fun!

Hair Buns

hair buns are an extremely popular feature in anime, and can be simple to draw. Simply outline their shape using some curved lines before drawing in individual strands of hair using more curved lines. To draw a messy hair style, start with your head and hairline as usual. Add “front hair,” which should be split into small clumps that arc towards both center and sides, followed by messy back hair drawn using random curves for naturalness. Finally, erase any parts of the face or head which have been obscured by the hair after drawing; this will make the line drawing appear cleaner.

Him Cut

From sleek locks to wild locks, hair is often what sets each one apart from others in their group. To draw this style, begin by drawing an egg-like head with an outline for its neck. Next use curved lines to depict spiky curls on each side of your face using curved lines, and below your eyebrow add short strands of hair for further embellishment. To draw the remaining hair, first remove all parts of the head and hairline that have been covered up, followed by drawing darker lines over it and adding basic shading techniques.

Curly Hair

For an adorable and springy anime hairstyle, draw curly locks using curved lines to form coils which can then be tied into pigtails with bow ties adorning each coil. As another easy anime hairstyle option, consider drawing wavy locks. Begin with a basic head sketch and hairline outline. Next, draw swooping curves that slightly angle away from each other for added depth and dimension. Start by drawing small clumps of front and side hair as well as large swooping curves in the back/top hair that follow the shape of your head, being sure to erase any pieces that are hidden behind other locks of hair. Finally, draw some small splits if desired in front/side locks.