Harald Finehair: The Movie Character

Harald Finehair’s Encounter with Ellisif

In the Great Hall, Harald Finehair notices Ellisif and is visibly moved. Initially, he tries to kill her but changes his mind when Ellisif pleads for mercy.

Harald’s Kingdom and Sons

Harald rules Vestfold, a region in southern Norway, and fathers up to 20 sons. Notable among them are King Haakon the Good and Eric Bloodaxe, who each go on to rule their kingdoms. Eric Bloodaxe becomes known as an exceptional warrior and conqueror.

Harald’s Traits and Skills

Harald Finehair, portrayed by Peter Franzen, is a violent warlord with a reputation for both murdering and seducing women. He is also an excellent strategist, a talented swordsman, skilled with weapons, and fiercely loyal to his companions. Harald’s unique skill is his ability to use fire to melt through armor quickly.

Harald’s Ambition

Inheriting scattered lands throughout Norway, Harald’s ultimate goal is to unify them into one kingdom. He desires an attractive woman to be his queen, but she advises him to return only when he becomes the King of all Norway.

Harald’s Brutality and Anti-Christian Stance

Harald engages in brutal conflicts against rival kings, displaying sadistic and cruel tendencies. He commits acts such as rape, mutilation, and murder of French farmers to further his cause. Harald is also famously anti-Christian.

Harald’s Love Life

Despite his past misdeeds, Harald finds love with Freydis Erikson, daughter of Leif Erikson. Although they spend time apart, they remain close throughout the second season.

Harald’s Journey in the Varangian Guard

After returning from exile in Kyivan Rus, Harald joins the Varangian Guard and fights across Europe. His military skills earn him a significant sum, enabling him to fund his return to Norway and claim the throne. During this time, Harald forms a close alliance with Emperor Michael IV and develops into a fierce warrior with compassion and humility.

Harald’s Seductive Nature

Known for his aggressive political tactics and seductive demeanor, Harald often seduces women without taking no for an answer. His encounters have had disastrous outcomes, including when he draws Gunnhild, later married by Bjorn Ironsides.

Harald’s United Norway

Harald’s desire to become the King of Norway leads him to promise Ellisif that he will only cut or comb his hair once he accomplishes his goal. Once he becomes the ruler, Ellisif agrees to marry him, resulting in the unification of Norway under his reign.

Peter Franzen: The Versatile Actor

Peter Franzen, known for playing Harald Finehair on Vikings, is widely recognized for his versatility as an actor. He has appeared in various roles, including popular series like Aes Sedai’s fantasy Wheel Of Time and Game Of Thrones, where his portrayal of Warder Lan Mandragoran has received critical acclaim from critics and fans.

Harald’s Love for Battle

Harald is a highly skilled and enthusiastic warrior who revels in fighting. He takes great pleasure in killing his enemies, often sporting a mischievous smile during battle. Harald also demonstrates honor by refusing to harm Ellisif when Halfdan suggests it, declaring that his only love lies with himself and Halfdan.

Balancing Historical and Creative Aspects

Peter Franzen found it challenging yet rewarding to balance historical accuracy and artistic creativity while portraying Harald Finehair. He aimed to depict the character’s ruthlessness on screen while also showcasing moments of battles and kills.

The Incredible Experience

Peter Franzen expresses his gratitude to everyone involved and the incredible experience of working on the project. He hopes to collaborate again in the future.