How to Prevent Hairline Acne

Acne can appear anywhere on the face or body, not only teenagers. Hairline acne is a frequent condition caused by blocked pores due to natural oils or dead skin cells clogging them up, blocking off normal flow through pores.


Hairline acne occurs where your hair meets your scalp or forehead and typically results from an accumulation of natural oil (sebum), sweat and hair products that clog pores. Hairspray, mousse, and oils used to style your hair are frequently responsible for hairline acne outbreaks. Women’s makeup such as foundation and cover-up, as well as greasy foods, may exacerbate breakouts further. Hats, scarves, and headbands that don’t get washed regularly can also clog pores around the hairline.


Pimples that appear along your hairline and back of the neck usually result from an accumulation of oil on both your scalp and skin. Regularly cleansing both with a non-comedogenic cleanser and using oil-free hair products may help minimize breakouts around the hairline. Dry shampoo can help remove excess oil in between washes. Seeking medical advice from a dermatologist is recommended for frequent hairline acne.


Hairline acne may be caused by a dirty scalp and hair, so it is essential to regularly wash both your head and face with water. Avoiding products containing edible ingredients that promote microbial growth and searching for shampoo specifically designed to avoid excess oil buildup is crucial. Makeup, especially layered thick foundations left on all day or overnight, can clog pores and lead to pimples along the scalp. Avoiding tight headwear such as hats or scarves that trap sweat and dirt, washing pillowcases regularly, and keeping hands away from the face can also help prevent hairline acne.