Haircut Numbers – What Each Clipper Guard Size Means

Haircut numbers refer to clipper guard sizes that result in different haircut lengths. Understanding their significance lets you be more specific when communicating your requests to your barber.

Number 1

Haircut numbers refer to how long or short various clipper guard sizes cut hair. The most commonly seen length for buzz cuts and crew cuts is number 2, leaving hair approximately 1/4-inch long after clipping.

Number 2

When asking for a haircut number 2, this indicates that you want it cut with the 2 clipper guard. This concise style leaves around 1/8-inch of hair remaining and can be ideal for men with thin locks.

Number 3

This haircut number leaves 1/4-inch of hair, making it ideal for fades as it does not expose as much scalp surface area as with one or two cuts. Furthermore, this style also works well for men with thinner or balding locks.

Number 4

Haircut number (commonly called clipper guard length) depends on the brand and model of the clipper used to cut your hair. In general, the lower the number, the shorter will be the cut. A number 1 haircut leaves only an eighth of an inch behind and is popular among fade side and short buzz cuts. Meanwhile, number 2 haircuts provide slightly longer styles without exposing too much of their scalps.

Number 5

No matter whether you visit a barber or cut your own hair, being able to communicate your wishes is vital. Haircut numbers correspond with specific lengths; knowing their significance can help ensure you receive precisely the cut that meets your requirements. A number three haircut is short but doesn’t get too close to the scalp, making it an excellent option for men who want a short cut or are self-conscious about showing their scalp.

Number 6

Number six leaves slightly longer clipper guard lengths, making it perfect for fade haircuts. It also works well as an alternative option for those wanting a classic style and still deciding whether to commit to going as short as zero.

Number 7

This haircut guard size provides one inch of hair length and many styling possibilities. It works particularly well with smaller clipper guards to give a faded haircut a tapered edge.

Number 8

This clipper guard size leaves just 1/8 inch of hair behind; therefore, it is suitable for faded sides or buzz cuts that expose your scalp. However, be wary as its use could expose more scalp than desired. Number four leaves more length, making it suitable for people who want a classic yet understated appearance without the dramatic contrast associated with zero or skin fade haircuts. Furthermore, it provides excellent tapered sides.

Understanding haircut numbers and clipper sizes can be daunting, but understanding them is crucial to getting the perfect cut.