Hair Types and Buzzer Lengths

hair Type: Knowing your hair type is essential because it dictates how you care for, style, and maintain it. Furthermore, it determines which products and styling tools work well with it. Cosmetology school offers education on various types of hair. Knowing your hair type helps you identify products and routines that best serve your unique style. Knowing yours allows for more effortless habits and product selection for better hair health.

Example 2A hair: This hair has loose S-shaped curls and thinner strands. It is best maintained using sulfate-free shampoos and light silicone-free conditioners. Excellent results can be achieved when combined with heat tools and frizz-free volumizing products.

hair Thickness: Regardless of the texture of your hair, whether it is coarse and thick or fine and thin, knowing its density is essential in choosing the suitable haircuts and products. Density refers to how closely individual strands come together on your head and is not necessarily related to having more strands on your scalp.

To determine your hair’s thickness, pluck a single strand from an area with plenty of fullness (not near your face) and compare it with a sewing thread. If it is thinner than the thread, you have thin hair; otherwise, it is of medium thickness. Genetics and follicles play a role in controlling thickness, but styling and coloring can also significantly alter it.