Golden British Shorthair

Golden British Shorthairs are easy, low-maintenance cats that make excellent family companions.

Goldens is intelligent yet adaptable and makes excellent learning partners for young and experienced cat owners.

These gentle cats first gained popularity as farmhands but eventually found greater love as pets.

Officially recognized in the United States in 1980.


The British Shorthair, one of the world’s oldest domesticated cat breeds, first saw service as working animals on farms and towns to control rodent populations.

Through selective breeding programs, they eventually evolved into pedigreed companion cats – Harrison Wier is widely acknowledged as “the father of modern cat fancy.”

These cats tend to be extremely well-rounded, possessing warm personalities with warm, affectionate traits and being highly intelligent with solid builds that provide stability.

Although there is no guarantee, good breeders will often test for hemophilia B – an inherited blood clotting condition linked to feline X chromosome that affects clotting – which can lead to severe bleeding issues in male cats. This condition typically appears only in male cats.

British Shorthairs’ eyes are beautiful, spanning deep gold to copper to blue and green hues.

When showing affection to their owner, BSHs often look back with a loving gaze before slowly blinking back out, showing their appreciation.


Golden British Shorthairs are affectionate, gentle creatures who enjoy cuddling.

These sweeties make lovely family pets as they get along well with other animals (dogs) and people (children).

Poodles are easy to care for and adapt to various environments, from bustling cities to peaceful country homes.

While not high-energy pets, Poodles still love playing with toys and scratching posts if given enough attention.


The golden British shorthair shares its affectionate and friendly traits with other members of its breed, such as being large but calm enough for children and other pets to manage it comfortably.

While these cats accept new people and pets quickly, some may take longer to open up, be held, or sit on laps than others.

These cats may initially appear reserved when meeting new people but can quickly warm up if treated well.

These felines enjoy playing with humans and other pets; although they don’t need as much daily attention, they prefer shorter bursts of activity like chasing toy mice!

Golden British shorthair cats should be regularly brushed to remove dead hair, their nails trimmed and teeth checked for problems, vaccinations up-to-date, and spayed or neutered as soon as possible.


These cats prefer lounging around their home yet still enjoy engaging with people.

They will follow you from room to room and love having toys they can play with; however, they tend to stay on the ground rather than be carried.

The Cat Fanciers’ Association breed standard classifies golden British Shorthairs as “Shaded Golden.”

Their undercoat should be rich, warm cream in hue, with black or dark brown tips along the back, flanks, head, ears, tail legs tipped toward their paws shading towards black tufts or dark brown towards pale apricot at their chin, ear tufts stomach or chest areas.

The Golden British Shorthair cat breed is generally healthy, though they can be vulnerable to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).

Hemophilia B can also be detected using blood testing and treated accordingly; regular dental check-ups for this breed should also be conducted to maintain optimal dental health and stay free from infections like polycystic kidney disease diagnosed using ultrasound imaging and treated using drugs; urinary tract infections also pose risks.