How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair

1. Exfoliate

Exfoliation is one of the best ways to protect yourself against ingrown hair. Use a clean, soft washcloth or toothbrush in circular motions for several minutes with ingrown hair growth in each area. This helps the hair escape its follicle and reach the surface more freely. Use an exfoliant that’s alcohol-free and contains shea butter for sensitive skin. Oily skin types can benefit from glycolic or salicylic acid products to loosen dead cells.

2. Warm Compress

Applying a warm compress softens ingrown hair, making it easier to remove. Soak a washcloth in warm water and press it against the affected area for 10 minutes, rewetting as necessary. Do this twice daily to loosen ingrown hairs and prevent further aggravation.

3. Apply Aloe Vera

Instead of trying to remove or pop ingrown hairs, apply at-home treatments to encourage natural hair growth. Sugar scrubs can be made using sugar, olive oil, tea tree, or lavender essential oil. Apply the scrub to the affected area and rinse off with warm water. Use warm compresses to release ingrown hairs effectively. Do not pick or scratch at them to avoid worsening symptoms; seek medical advice if signs of infection occur.

4. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties that help combat infection and inflammation. Apply tea tree oil with shea butter twice daily on areas prone to ingrown hairs to soothe the skin and clear pores. This treatment can alleviate itching caused by ingrown hairs.