Female Pubic Hair Growth

Before puberty, both boys and girls possess fine, soft vellus hair (stage 1). With puberty comes hormonal stimulation to generate thicker and coarser pubic hair. Excess pubic hair growth could be an indicator of hormonal imbalance. If this is the case for you, immediately make an appointment with an Axia Women’s Health provider.


At puberty, the body experiences many physical changes. Girls typically notice pubic hair growing out, their breasts expanding with noticeable growth patterns, and acne appearing on both face and back. During puberty, estrogen production causes pubic hair growth and other indicators of puberty. In boys, their scrotum and testicles enlarge, their penis lengthens and darkens, and they experience more frequent erections and occasional nighttime ejaculation (known as wet dreams) as their testicles produce estrogen to trigger pubic hair growth and other signs of puberty. Girls experience pubic hair growth during puberty, while in boys, their testicles enlarge, and nighttime ejaculation occurs more frequently. Pubic hair in boys typically emerges first at the base of the penis, eventually spreading throughout their genital area, arms, and chest. This process continues until menarche occurs and all four testes have fully developed. One may grow faster than expected, but that is perfectly normal.


Female sex hormones control growth, including pubic hair development. They also play an integral part in menstruation cycles, pregnancy, and sexual drive. A hormonal imbalance among women can result in various symptoms or health concerns, including weight gain, thin hair growth, or changes to body and facial hair growth patterns. Most women will notice changes to their pubic hair thickness or length over time, such as having more or less pubic hair than their peers. While such variations are generally considered healthy, too much pubic hair could signal polycystic ovary syndrome symptoms. Women suffering from this condition typically exhibit higher testosterone and androgen levels that promote pubic hair growth, in addition to experiencing other hormonal imbalances that could contribute to symptoms like acne or reduced sexual drive. Furthermore, too little hair could indicate adrenal issues, wherein their adrenal glands produce too few androgens their adrenal glands produce too few androgens.


Contact Dermatitis can occur when there is an allergic reaction to certain substances like lubricants, soap, or sanitary products. It’s more likely to appear around the genital area, where skin sensitivity is often high. Fungal infections like jock itch, caused by yeast infections that thrive in warm, damp areas, also contribute to itching. This condition typically appears among athletes. Sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) can also contribute to itchy genital regions. Inflammation caused by herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis can irritate and inflame tissues, sometimes leading to itching. If you’re experiencing itchy pubic hairs, see your doctor and discuss treatment plans. Laser hair removal may also offer long-term relief; visit a reputable clinic for this procedure. In the meantime, soak a washcloth in cold water before applying it directly over the affected area – repeated as necessary.


Contrary to what may have been reported, shaving your vulva does not cause hair growth to return more rapidly or thicker. However, improper shaving techniques may lead to irritation and ingrown hairs if care is not taken when shaving this area. To reduce irritation while shaving or waxing this area, exfoliate before you shave or moisturize afterward using soothing treatment oils like Bushbalm’s. Then, shave in the direction of growth to avoid razor burn.

Periodically, people lose pubic hair due to hormonal shifts or side effects from medical treatments like chemotherapy medications. Although variations in pubic hair growth are expected, extreme loss could indicate severe health conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome or adrenal issues. If you notice that your pubic hair has thinned significantly or you are losing it altogether, speak to your physician as soon as possible to identify the source and devise a treatment plan for its management.