Best DHT Blocker Foods For Hair Growth

DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is a hormone that shrinks hair follicles and leads to hair thinning, balding, receding hairlines, and receding bald spots. Blocking DHT may help stop this progression of disease in its tracks. Try adding these natural DHT-blocker foods to your diet:

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is essential for male biological traits like hair growth. DHT also plays an integral part in male pattern baldness – but there’s hope: some simple diet changes may help lower DHT levels and promote increased hair growth! Green tea can act as a natural DHT blocker by inhibiting 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Furthermore, it prevents miniaturization of hair follicles while stimulating new, healthy growth.

Bananas are another natural DHT blocker, packed with vitamin B6, biotin, potassium, and zinc. Eating bananas regularly can increase scalp circulation and prevent DHT build-up while stimulating hair growth.

Blueberries contain Vitamin C,, increasing scalp circulation to provide oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles and encourage the transition from the telogen to anagen growth phase. Furthermore, flavonoids in blueberriesin blueberries inhibit DHT formation by down-regulating or blocking the 5-alpha reductase enzyme.

Natural DHT blockers include tomatoes (especially ketchup), watermelons, oranges, and carrots, all rich in Lycopene. Lycopene may hinder testosterone’s conversion to DHT,, which could prevent male pattern balding or at least delay it significantly.

Almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and pecans contain l-lysine – an organic DHT inhibitor found in almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and pecans – as a natural DHT blocker. Zinc can also help block DHT levels; spinach, kale, wheat germ, and cooked white mushrooms contain ample amounts.

Over time, DHT can shrink hair follicles, leading to thinner and weaker locks, eventually leading to male pattern baldness; several foods and herbs serve as natural DHT blockers, such as pumpkin seeds, green tea, and saw palmetto.

Avocado is one of the best natural DHT blockers, packed full of essential protein, folic acid, magnesium, iron, and copper necessary for hair growth, as well as natural oils that moisturize both scalp and hair as well as high levels of phytosterols and antioxidants to unclog blocked pores and stimulate follicle development. You can eat it mashed up or add it to a salad!

Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is another ingredient commonly found in DHT blockers that has been shown to effectively inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, thus blocking testosterone conversion to DHT and encouraging follicle growth.

This shampoo promises to promote hair re-growth with its proprietary combination of botanicals and nutrients, including Kapilarine. Plus, it’s completely free from sulfates, parabens, and silicones; many Amazon reviewers are pleased with their results!

Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids known to boost hair growth by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

Foods rich in Lycopene are excellent DHT blockers. Lycopene blocks the alpha-5 reductase enzyme and helps prevent hair loss while encouraging healthier hair growth. Tomatoes, watermelons, and carrots are excellent dietary sources of Lycopene.

Saw palmetto extract (Serenoa repens) is another popular DHT blocker ingredient found in many over-the-counter shampoos that claim to reduce thinning hair, stimulating blood flow to hair follicles while simultaneously stimulating scalp nerve endings, and stimulating scalp circulation. A natural DHT blocker shampoo may even strengthen and thicken your locks!

DHT, an androgen that binds with hair follicles and causes them to shrink, is one of the key contributors to thinning and, eventually, baldness. Therefore, blocking DHT is vital if we want to delay or avoid this condition while simultaneously increasing stagnant growth by improving nutrient supply to both the scalp and hair.

Foods rich in Lycopene, zinc, and lysine are excellent natural DHT blockers. These foods contain alpha-5 reductase inhibitors that decrease DHT production to enable healthier hair follicle growth – examples include tomatoes, spinach, kale, and carrots.

Pumpkin seed oil is another DHT blocker packed with essential fatty acids and can be massaged into the scalp to promote hair growth. Peptides in this oil help stimulate dermal papilla cells, while vitamin E is an additional natural DHT blocker.