Derma Rollers For Hair

Derma rolling for hair loss is a non-invasive, painless procedure. You can hire a professional service or do it at home using a derma roller kit.

Ensure your derma roller is cleaned with alcohol before and after each use. Also, replace it every two months or if its needles become bent.


A derma roller is a handheld device resembling a wheel covered with tiny needles. When rolled over the scalp, this creates microscopic punctures, stimulating collagen production and increasing blood flow to promote hair growth while strengthening individual hair strands and combat thinning.

Microneedling for hair growth, when performed by professionals, is known as microneedling. The process typically begins by applying topical anesthetic before using the tool, after which they cleanse your scalp of sebum and product residues with cleaning products and tools.

Before increasing the frequency of derma rolling for hair, it is wise to begin slowly and observe how your body reacts before ramping up frequency. Microneedling causes discomfort, which will need time to resolve itself. You might want to consider applying non-irritating oil or cream post-session to ensure all the beneficial oils penetrate deeply into your scalp and stop damaging skin caused by rolling.

Scalp Massage

An active scalp massage stimulates blood flow, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation while helping prevent itching, dandruff, and other scalp conditions. Furthermore, regular massage sessions may prevent hair loss by helping maintain strength.

A scalp massage is another effective way of growing thicker hair by encouraging collagen production, activating hair follicles, and improving absorption of minoxidil-containing hair products like those produced by Derma Roller. Derma Roller causes tiny punctures on the scalp that stimulate hair cells while improving blood circulation.

Various natural oils can enhance the effects of a scalp massage, with rosemary oil as one of the top choices. Rosemary oil offers both anti-aging properties and stimulates hair growth; additionally, it prevents dandruff and lice while possessing antifungal properties and is an anti-inflammatory. Peppermint oil may be helpful to soothe an itchy scalp as a moisturizer that unclogs pores.

Essential Oils

Essential oils may be an ideal choice if you’re searching for treatments to increase hair growth, strengthen shine and strength, prevent further hair loss, or lighten naturally. Homeopathic natural oils have long been used in alternative medicine due to their vast healing properties.

Oils like these help stimulate hair follicles, increase blood circulation, and enhance scalp health – this can reduce inflammation, itching, sebum overproduction, and stress/anxiety-related hair loss.

Some of the most effective oils for stimulating hair growth include rosemary, jojoba, coconut, and lavender. When choosing oils to stimulate hair growth, it’s essential to use high-quality ones and an appropriate derma roller with needle lengths tailored towards your goal – this ensures that topical treatments and oils you apply will be effectively absorbed.


Utilizing a derma roller for hair growth can stimulate your scalp and increase its blood circulation, encouraging hair follicles to produce thicker and longer locks and improving hair texture. However, should severe pain or heavy bleeding ensue after treatment, it is strongly advised that you consult a medical provider immediately.

Derma rollers with needles ranging between 0.25 to 1.5 millimeters should be utilized for optimal results. This will enable the treatment to penetrate the skin without damaging its surrounding tissue. These needles typically comprise titanium alloy and come in various lengths depending on the treatment plan.

After derma rolling, it’s essential to apply a suitable scalp oil. This will allow the oil’s medicinal benefits to reach hair follicles; coconut oil is often selected because it contains vital vitamins and minerals essential for healthy hair and has antifungal and nourishing properties.