How to Style a Chris Evans Haircut

Chris Evans’s haircut options vary significantly. From basic designs to elaborately intricate styles, there are numerous choices that you can consider when picking out your cut.

Crew Cut with Beard

Men with thinning hair often turn to the classic crew cut as an excellent way to conceal bald spots and keep their style neat. A crew cut can also provide added thickness in the crown area and is an effective solution when dealing with receding hairlines, providing some additional coverage and consistency in this way.

Long crew cuts can give men looking for an aggressive yet rugged appearance a great style option. Swept sideways, combed over, or spiked as desired. Pair this look with either beards or mustaches to complete the look for maximum impact!

A high fade takes this classic haircut one step further for an eye-catching and bold style. The short crop at the top can be styled back or brushed forward as desired, and its skin fade sides and back maximize contrast for maximum impactful style.

Buzz Cut

The Buzz Cut is the go-to no-hassle haircut for men. Inspired by military culture, this no-fuss style allows men to regain control over thinning hair while creating an accessible and masculine style that works exceptionally well on those with squared faces or solid facial features.

Buzz cuts can also be great options for those who wish to minimize how much time they devote to styling their hair each morning, with minimal upkeep beyond an occasional trim and touch-up every three to four weeks – you could literally roll out of bed and go straight to work (provided that no too many showers go by before going).

Add geometric lines or patterns for an eye-catching edge in your buzz-cut style! Geometric cuts offer an eye-catching way to express yourself, making you stand out in a crowd and giving the look a more personalized touch while remaining straightforward to maintain.


A classic hairstyle for men, the pomp is typically worn slicked back with long pieces left out to shape for added volume and body. Ideal for thick-haired guys who want their length to be shorter to create the book, this style requires additional maintenance, such as blow-drying it daily with pomade to keep it in place all day.

This style comes from Marquise de Pompadour, Louis XV’s mistress from 18th-century France. She famously wore her hair this way – straight back raised high over her forehead.

The Pompadour haircut is adaptable and works well on many face shapes. People with round faces will appreciate its height, while those with heart-shaped features may wish to avoid its high fade, which would narrow their features. Furthermore, this style works great when worn alongside either a beard or a full beard for added contrast and character.

Short Fringe

A short fringe is an instant face-framing and accentuating element to any hair length, from sleek pixie cuts to longer layers with layers. Wavy ruffles work particularly well on rounder faces to create the illusion of squared jawlines, while piecey layers work equally well by balancing thin strands and adding texture to your look.

This style is great because it suits most face shapes and hair types; even men with straight and textured locks can sport this look confidently. A faded haircut may add order to your overall appearance and help disguise receding hairlines.