A Chimpanzee Without Hair


Chimpanzees arriving from laboratories often exhibit anxious behavior. One example is hair plucking, similar to how humans deal with stress. Hairless chimpanzees don’t have hair on their heads, only on their palms and soles of feet. They can live for over 50 years. Chimpanzees feed on fruit, berries, leaves, flowers, seeds, bird eggs, carrion, and meat. Their social bonds and territorial disputes can result in violence, including cannibalism and infanticide.


This touching footage captures Jambo, a hairless chimpanzee, being affectionate with his female mate at Twycross Zoo in England. They caress each other’s feet and kiss each other’s bald heads, which is a rare and adorable sight. Chimpanzees usually show aggression towards humans as a sign of dominance.


Chimpanzees use tools to get their food, which includes seeds, fruit, leaves, bark, honey, insects, and sometimes hunting other wildlife for meat. They have thick skin on their feet and palms, which helps them grip trees and navigate uneven surfaces. Social grooming is essential for chimps to maintain friendships within their groups. When scared, chimps display anxious smiles or throw branches or rocks.


Chimpanzees use their hands to grasp objects, and their opposable thumbs allow them to make tools. They communicate through body language, facial expressions, and hand claps. Hairless chimpanzees can show love, as seen in footage of male and female chimps cuddling closely together.


Chimpanzees live in fluid communities without monogamous mating bonds. Females may move between communities in search of new partners or to defend their territory. The article briefly mentions fish, their intelligence, tool usage, and medicine creation.

Chimpanzees and humans share many similarities, including genetics, behavior, and physiology. However, chimpanzees do not have hair like humans. The length of fur and mane is determined individually, just as the length of human head hair during its growth phase.