Can You Perm Bleached Hair?

Bleaching hair can be devastatingly destructive to its strands. It can weaken its cuticle and result in dryness. Applying another chemical treatment, such as perming to bleached locks, could further damage them, leading to increased dryness, split ends, and breakage.

Are You Wondering If It Is Safe To Perm Bleached Hair?

Below are a few essential points you need to remember before attempting it.


Experts advise allowing bleached hair to grow out for at least two to three months before perming or chemically treating it further, as bleach strips it of its natural oils and proteins, leaving it more vulnerable to damage caused by perms or other treatments like perming. Bleached hair requires special care and attention to prevent further breakage, particularly if you bleach it frequently. Regularly using protein-rich shampoo and deep conditioning treatments can help you keep its color vibrant while maintaining a healthy shine. When looking for a perm, ensure it does not contain acids or this. Such products do not swell the hair cuticle as much, thus decreasing damage risk. Or choose the Ogilvie Salon Styles Home Perm Kit for Color-Treated or Thin Hair, as it will be gentle on chemically treated and bleached hair.

Patch Test

Though perming bleached hair may seem counterintuitive, chemical-based treatments such as perm bleaching may help you achieve curlier or wavy looks that would otherwise be difficult with straight locks. BeforeHowever, it’s wise to conduct a patch test and consult a professional stylist before proceeding. Bleached hair is weak and damaged, making it susceptible to further chemical treatments such as perms. These treatments can further weaken and damage it, leading to extensive breakage and hair loss, and ultimately leaving you with unhealthy locks that require deep conditioning treatment for healing. If you must perm bleached hair, opt for milder perm solutions such as acid or thio-free perms as they’ll be less damaging and won’t cause as much cuticle swelling as alkaline perm solutions do – making them safer for bleached locks. K-Pak Acid Perm offers one such formulation that offers reconstructive therapy while still producing tight and lasting coils.


Perming bleached hair can be done but must be approached with caution. Both bleaching and perming involve chemical processes that can damage hair’s structure, leading to dry, brittle locks that may become frizzy over time. Perming hair dyed bleached can also increase the chances of it falling out immediately or later immediately or later after bleaching. Given its fragility, this is a severe risk and should be avoided at all costs. Before getting a perm, it’s crucial that a strand test be conducted, and at least one week should pass between each process. Alkaline perms tend to be less harmful to your hair than acidic perms; an alternative would be Zotos Warm and Gentle’s gentle solution, which can give sleek, straight, or loose curls without being overly aggressive on them.

Post-Perm Care

After getting it permed, bleached hair requires special attention and special shampoos, conditioners, and deep conditioning treatments to maintain its integrity and avoid split ends. Regular trims should also be scheduled to keep its condition at its best. After bleaching, waiting at least two weeks before getting a perm is best. This will allow your hair to recover from the process and absorb all moisture within the perm solution. Furthermore, try not to use gels, sprays, or hairsprays that could further dry out your locks. Your hair should also be cleaned irregularly using sulfate-free shampoos and cleansers designed for colored hair, rinse it out with cool water since hot water can damage bleached strands. Use a leave-in conditioner after every shampoo session to hydrate, avoid frizz, and keep your locks glossy; once weekly, use a mask treatment to nourish and keep them healthy.