Brown Hair Color Men

Brown hair color works for all complexions and styles, from olive-toned faces to cooler complexions. Darker shades work particularly well for olive to yellow skin tones, while lighter hues suit cooler complexions better. Men can utilize hair dye for various reasons, including enhancing natural color, balancing red tones, or covering grays. You have several choices of permanent, semi-permanent, or wash-out stains available.

Dark Espresso Brown

Dark espresso brown is the latest hue to bring life and shine back into your locks, offering a rich, deep brunette tone that looks vibrant or can complement most complexions with light highlights. Add subtle shades of blonde or creamy chocolate throughout your strands for an attractive, flattering look that suits most ages. They add subtle contrast while helping hide grays and making the color appear richer. Given its cool undertone, espresso can easily be mixed with hues of red to enhance its vibrancy. To maintain its fresh and healthy appearance, advise your client to use INVIGO Cool Blonde Color Refreshing Shampoo, which helps correct brassy tones while leaving their hair radiantly shiny between touch-ups.

Neutral Brown

Medium brown is one of the more basic brunette shades and makes an ideal base color that works on anyone looking to add depth to their look. From blondes looking to transition to brunettes or redheads wanting a natural brunette tone, medium brown offers the ideal autumn feeling without all those pesky hats and gloves! Warm brunettes like this one with caramel tones look fantastic on men with cool complexions and blue or green eyes, as it pairs beautifully with short sides and longer tops–even better when styled with Nioxin products that add volume for fuller locks!

Copper Brown

Copper hues have long been popular because they look good on most skin tones, from olive to dark complexions. Professional colorists can tailor the final look of copper to complement your current hair hue and undertones perfectly; don’t be intimidated to seek help when choosing your ideal shade! This stunning cinnamon copper brown hair color offers an inviting warmth with its golden tones mixed with red hues for an irresistibly captivating hue that will catch everyone’s eye. Bring out your fiery side with this beautiful copper brown hair color and taper fade haircut, perfect for making an impactful statement! The rich orange tones provide the ideal complement to darker complexions.

Light Brown

Men with light brown hair appear more mature and sophisticated than blond, yet possess a sense of warmth and natural charm, which many find attractive. Ask your stylist to add subtle highlights of light ash brown hues into your natural hair color for an eye-catching and polished finish. This warm look works particularly well on wavy and curly locks, while lighter tones at the top will help enhance facial features and give an inviting luster to locks. This stunning, deeply-rooted balayage ombre on blond-brown hair is gorgeous. Though it may take multiple salon sessions to achieve, once achieved, you will appreciate how low-maintenance it is; apply toner every 6-8 weeks, and you are set!


Men with dark complexions may discover that blonde hair complements them more than they imagine, especially if they sport a fade or slick back style. Miles Teller, Lionel Messi, and Russell Tovey are just three men who have made waves by switching out their brunette locks for bright blonde locks – and it seems this trend will remain popular. Dirty blonde is an excellent compromise option for men looking to lighten their brown locks but are not quite ready to commit to platinum blonde yet. It seems more natural than platinum and yellows less. Ask your hairdresser for a root melt to seamlessly combine dark brown base hair with blonde highlights and baby lights that look natural like you were born with it!