Black Teen Boy Haircuts

A classic taper fade

A classic taper fade can create an attractive, eye-catching style on short hair, but requires regular maintenance to remain in tiptop condition.

Line up and fade haircuts.

Line-up and fade haircuts create an eye-catching half-moon shape on the hairline, making this style suitable for black boys with curly locks. A skilled barber should be fine with producing this style.


The Afro is an ongoing trend that shows no signs of stopping. It is trendy among black boys, and dreadlocks are an option for styling it differently. Black boys can use this hairstyle as a signature look that gives them the confidence to pursue their goals with pride.

Medium twists hairstyles

Medium twist hairstyles are another popular style among black boys, as it’s simple and beautiful. Not only can it help keep hair healthy while protecting it against dandruff.

A twisted buns hairstyle

A twisted buns hairstyle is an eye-catching, stylish way to sport an afro. This look is an intermediate between cornrows and braids and looks incredible on black teenage boys, making an impression without trying too hard. Perfect for those who wish to stand out without looking too flashy!


If your boy wants an eye-catching style, consider giving him the dreadlocks haircut. This style involves braiding his hair into small sections before wrapping each around a backcombed dreadlock before securing it with rubber bands to form his desired look.

Flat top haircut

Try this flat-top haircut for black boys if you want something unique and distinctive. Reminiscent of a fohawk, but featuring an individual razor part professionally carved by professionals. It is ideal for any special event and can help your son attain a sophisticated, dapper appearance.


Black teenage boys looking to make an impressionful statement should consider opting for the ringlet haircut as an eye-catching statement piece. This look combines elements from both mohawks and curly locks into one striking face, making an impressionable yet unfussy style statement. Its versatile color options give kids plenty of opportunities to show their individuality through their appearance!

Comb over haircut

The comb-over haircut is another trendy protective style that stands out on black boys. With its versatility and formal-casual appeal, adding a fade can further transform this protective style while accentuating its hairline for an eye-catching finish.

Short Afro with temple fade.

The short Afro is one of the classic black boy haircuts, yet it becomes even more stylish and low maintenance when combined with a temple fade. This combination will highlight your child’s natural kink while creating an eye-catching yet low-maintenance style that won’t go out of fashion anytime soon!

Box Braids

Box braids are an attractive protective style for black boys, creating a stylish, textured look. Although this requires extra time and effort to achieve, it’s worth it for its elegant appearance and saving water by not pulling on your head’s hair directly! Box braids also help keep water while helping grow longer locks!

Temple fade haircut

Try opting for a temple fade haircut. This style features hair seamlessly tapered from the temples to the nape of the neck for an appealing and stylish finish. Perfect for any outfit!

Curly Mohawks

Curly Mohawks are another stylish trend popular with teenagers. These can be worn with either a high or medium skin fade for an unforgettable look, and often feature an eye-catching comb over and complex part to add more dimension and dimension. Curly Mohawks are ideal for boys with curly locks to express their rebellious side!