Black Girl Natural Hair Braids

Cornrow or fauxhawk styles are timeless looks for black girls with daring tastes. Shaved sides add professionalism, while charming ringlets add femininity.

Recently, several Black women have faced discrimination for sporting their natural hairstyles. Shaming and pressure to straighten it may take their toll.


Braids can be an excellent protective style for your hair, helping lock in moisture and promote healthy growth. There is an array of ways braids can be worn – from large and dramatic to cute and feminine styles – as well as looking fantastic when combined with various accessories.

Box braids, Senegalese twists, Dutch braids, fishtail braids, Fulani braids, and dreadlocks are among the more popular braid styles Black girls wear today. However, it is essential to remember that each type holds cultural significance for Black people; adopting such techniques without understanding their history could constitute cultural appropriation.

As one of the critical strategies of wearing braids is limiting their duration, another essential tip for those wearing them is keeping them in for a short time. Braids should generally be washed every other day and should only remain in for up to two months to prevent dry scalp and matting due to overwashing, environmental factors, or excess product build-up on your scalp.


Cornrows are an intricate braiding style in which coily and textured hair strands are skillfully braided together into rows, creating an eye-catching style popular among Black people as both fashionable and protective wear. Unfortunately, many don’t understand their history or significance to black culture today and historically.

Cornrow styles can benefit hair health when worn properly; otherwise, they can cause tension and damage. YouTuber Candace Lanae wears cornrows with long natural locks, employing an extensive takedown routine that involves drenching it all with water before detangling each section and applying a moisturizing deep conditioner.

Not only must we recognize the historical and cultural importance of cornrows, but it is equally vital to acknowledge how black hairstyles may still face discrimination based on race. With appropriate acknowledgments and protections being put in place, we hope Black people can feel more confident wearing their hair in whatever style suits them best.

Rod Sets

No matter the length or texture of your locks, rod sets effectively achieve defined curls without using a straightener. They’re also great for helping blend straight ends with natural textures during transition or when you need more time to cut long consecutive locks. To do a rod set, roll sections of hair around perm rods until dry, and then style as usual! In this tutorial by pRoy, she uses rod set curls to achieve a faux tapered look – check it out here.

For maximum protection at night, place flexi rod curls inside a pineapple or lose afro puffs to prevent their loss.


Curly hair adds depth and versatility to your style while being easier to manage than straighter strands. There is so much you can do with curly locks! From accessories such as headbands or scrunchies, to using less product for maintenance.

Curly hair can be enhanced with additional color via dyeing; deep purple hues look incredibly stunning against black locks and effectively show off your natural dyes.

You can add subtle highlights to your curls for a more refined style. Blonde streaks add an extra dimension, highlighting their colors more prominently.

Opting for a dark tapered fro with natural curls is another popular style choice that works across generations and hair lengths, framing the face beautifully while adding dimension. Keep curls moisturized using a leave-in conditioner, and use hairspray for a slick finish.