Big hair Style For Man

More prominent men often possess more oversized personalities and require an equally impressive hairstyle to match. From curly to straight locks, there are numerous fantastic styles to choose from when styling longer locks.

Hairstyles for Men with Large Foreheads

Hairstyles designed for men with large foreheads aim to hide, cover, or divert attention away from it. Some effective styles for this include a slicked-back haircut, an appealing crew cut fade, blowout, or comb over.

Short and Messy

Men with shorter hair should consider a messy top haircut as an eye-catching alternative to the standard slick back and skin fade undercut. Working matte pomade or clay through their locks creates a natural, rugged, yet sophisticated texture that stands out.


Men who want something different should try the unconventional hairstyle of a messy, upswept, spiky quiff. Side spike hairstyles provide an alternative to classic spiked-up styles. Ideal for men with medium to spiky hair and low fade fade, side spikes can be styled with a hard part for an edgier look.

Blowout Fade

A blowout fade hairstyle is an effective way to showcase big-top hair. This style combines a low fade with a high blowout on top, and texturizers can add texture for an eye-catching finish. It is especially appropriate for men with thick locks.

Short Pompadour

The pompadour can be an excellent choice when you don’t require much height in your style. This hairstyle keeps hair short on the sides while long on top with modern, textured styling for an updated look. A classic pompadour still looks fantastic today; this version adds height with its defined side part and skin fade.