The Big Chop – How to Go Full Natural

Finding a stylist or barber who understands natural hair is highly recommended. They can ensure your strands are appropriately styled and you are satisfied with the result.

How to Get Started

If you’re ready to embrace natural hair growth, the big chop is an effective and quick way to begin your transition. This method can provide immediate results by cutting off all your relaxed or damaged locks and leaving only new natural growth behind.

Preparing for the Big Chop

Deciding to do the big chop requires preparation and an open mindset. It’s essential to inform and surround yourself with supportive individuals who won’t criticize your choice. If you’re concerned about people’s reactions, consider transitioning or wearing protective styles before cutting off your hair.

Cutting Your Hair

Enlisting the help of a professional stylist is recommended for the big chop. They can ensure your hair is cut without creating extra layers or damaging the strands. Arrive at the appointment with freshly washed and dry hair, and use rubber bands to mark the area where natural and relaxed strands meet for easy cutting.

Post-Chop Care

After the big chop, the natural oils from your scalp will nourish all your strands, promoting curl shape, volume, and overall hair health. It’s common to experience a mixture of textures during the transition period. Regular checkups and trims from an experienced stylist can maintain healthy strands and ensure a consistent blend.

Remember that the big chop can be a transformative experience. Whether transitioning from chemical treatments or simply seeking a change, visiting a curl specialist is crucial for optimal results. They can create a style that complements your features and new growth, and you can even add accessories like headbands or scarves for extra flair.