Quick Hairstyles For Black Hair

Alicia Keys-Inspired Flat Twists

If you’re looking for a cute and protective hairstyle, try Alicia Keys-inspired flat twists. These are perfect for short natural locks and will look stylish and shield your hair from harsh elements.

Box Braids

Box braids are a timeless, protective style that can last months with proper care. Whether short or medium-length hair, there are various ways to style box braids. One fun idea is a double-toned style using black and blue braiding hair. This adds color without much effort. Another option is to tie your braids into a high ponytail, creating an adorable accessory.

Pineapple Method

To maintain sexy curls like Rihanna, try the pineapple method. This protective style involves putting your hair into a front-loaded ponytail before bed. It prevents frizz and keeps your curls looking great overnight. Make sure to gather all your strands into a secure ponytail and use a scrunchie to avoid indentations on your head. Try multiple miniature pineapples and a satin sleep cap for longer hair for added control.

Double Bun

Double buns are a cute and easy way to add cultural flair to your look. Simply section off your hair into upper and lower parts, braid each section separately, and twist them into high buns. This adds diversity and style to your everyday looks. For a more elevated look, tease your hair for volume and add glittering partings. Heat protectant is essential, and you can also incorporate curls or kinky waves for a sexier style.

Bantu Knots

Accessorizing is critical when creating braided looks. Gold hair strings, colored elastic bands, braids, bobby pins, and head scarves can all add pizzazz to Bantu knots. Start with clean and conditioned hair, part it into loose sections, twist and wrap each area, and then create the Bantu knot-out style. Allow the knots to sit for about two weeks before unraveling them. Use oil to prevent frizz while separating.


Topknots are an excellent way for men to elevate their style. When combined with a beard, topknots add a touch of boho charm. Pair this style with a high skin fade for an eye-catching, trendy look. Apply Dove Men Care Polishing Pomade for long hair and tie your locks back neatly to achieve an impressive topknot. Knotless braids can also be paired with a top knot for a unique and unforgettable look. Add face-framing strands and bold highlighter for maximum impact.