Natural White Hair Remedies


White hair is typically associated with age; if you find yourself sporting silver locks and looking like the Queen of Dragons or an elderly wizard, don’t fret; greying can actually be prevented or reversed in many cases.


Your hair color comes from pigment produced in your follicles by cells known as melanocytes, which eventually exhaust themselves and stop producing melanin for your strands to make up their natural hue. Over time, this leads to gray or white-tinged locks. Genetics play an influential role in when and how fast someone begins to go grey, as well as its speed of transition. While some may begin seeing white strands as early as their 20s, others don’t see signs until their 30s or 40s. Genes can lead to the premature greying of hair follicles due to reduced pigmentation levels in their follicles, while factors like oxidative stress – when free radicals damage melanocyte stem cells responsible for pigment production – and hair dyes/shampoos with chemicals which inhibit melanin production can also play a part in premature greying.


Boil black sesame seeds them in coconut oil before applying or consume twice weekly through food options as part of a meal. Vitamin B6, B12 and folate also play a significant role in hair health; their deficiency could contribute to premature graying while smoking can have negative consequences for its wellbeing resulting in early greying of your locks.