Henna Hair Color

Henna is an excellent way to nourish and strengthen your hair, encouraging its natural growth and stimulating new strands to emerge.

Henna hair Color is a beneficial treatment that helps nourish and strengthen your hair. It promotes natural hair growth and stimulates the emergence of new strands.

Protect your hands and nails from staining with gloves – we recommend reusable rubber ones!

To avoid staining your hands and nails, it is recommended to wear reusable rubber gloves.

Henna takes several hours to dry completely, with full color appearing within two days.

It takes several hours for henna to dry completely, and the full color will appear within two days.

Sunset hair

If you’re searching for a semi-permanent hair color that will last days or months without damaging your locks, henna may be an ideal solution.

If you want a semi-permanent hair color that lasts for days or months without damaging your hair, henna could be a perfect choice.

Made from natural ingredients from the Lawsonia inermis plant and offering vibrant red to orange hues, indigenous populations of northern Africa and the Middle East have used henna for centuries to color their locks without damaging their scalps.

Henna is made from natural ingredients derived from the lawsonia inermis plant. It offers vibrant red to orange colors and has been used for centuries by people in northern Africa and the Middle East to color their hair without harming their scalps.

Henna can be mixed with oil to form a paste and applied directly onto areas where coloration is desired.

You can mix henna with oil to create a paste and apply it directly to the areas of your hair where you want to add color.

The longer that henna paste remains on your hair, the deeper its coloring will become; alternatively, heat can speed up this process and intensify results even further.

The longer you leave the henna paste on your hair, the deeper the color will be. Alternatively, applying heat can speed up this process and intensify the color


Your hair must be handled appropriately once your henna treatment has been applied. We suggest using a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner explicitly tailored for color-treated locks, as these will prevent damaging cuticles.

After applying henna to your hair, properly caring for it is essential. Use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner designed for color-treated hair to protect the cuticles from damage.

Furthermore, avoid chlorine and salt water, which could harm its cuticle and strip off precious color pigmentation from each strand of your hair.

To maintain the color of your henna-treated hair, avoid exposing it to chlorine and salt water, as they can damage the cuticle and strip off the color pigmentation.

Copper brown

Copper brown is an exquisite hue that highlights your hair color and gives you a beautiful glow.

Copper brown is a beautiful shade that will enhance your hair color and give it a radiant glow.

It works well with most skin tones and can be combined with other hues like brown and blonde highlights for added dimension.

Copper brown complements most skin tones and can be combined with brown and blonde highlights to create a multidimensional look.

If you’re contemplating changing the color of your hair, be sure to seek advice from an experienced stylist first.

If you are thinking of changing your hair color, it is essential to consult with an experienced stylist before making any decisions.

Talk with friends or search online reviews to identify one who has experience dealing with your specific type and condition of hair.

Consider speaking with friends or reading online reviews to find a stylist with experience working with your hair type and condition.

An expert can assist in helping to determine whether your copper shade should be light or dark, as well as whether your complexion can handle bright copper hues.

An experienced stylist can help determine the right shade of copper for your hair, considering factors like whether it should be light or dark and if your complexion can suit bright copper hues.

To keep your new color looking its best, invest in a color-preserving shampoo such as dpHue’s Color Boosting Gloss Deep Conditioning Treatment in Burnt Copper ($35).

To maintain the vibrancy of your new color, use a color-preserving shampoo specifically formulated for colored hair, like dpHue’s Color Boosting Gloss Deep Conditioning Treatment in Burnt Copper.

Packed with golden camelina oil to shield locks against heat-styling tools and protect them from damage, this treatment provides the optimal solution to keeping new locks shiny and healthy.

This treatment contains golden camelina oil that protects your hair from damage caused by heat styling tools, ensuring your colored locks stay shiny and healthy.

Caca rouge

This henna dye adds vibrant copper hues to blonde locks and warm red henna tones to brunettes.

Caca rouge is a henna dye that adds vibrant copper hues to blonde hair and warm red tones to brunette hair.

Additionally, this henna can add subtle, glossy warmth to very dark heads of hair and acts as an excellent base color for darker henna shades.

It can also add a subtle, glossy warmth to very dark hair and serve as an excellent base color for darker shades of henna.

Note: This henna contains metallic salts, which may react negatively with bleached or white locks.

Please note that this henna contains metallic salts that may negatively react with bleached or white hair.

This block-form henna is different than most in that it contains cocoa butter to thicken it and clove bud oil and lemon juice for stability, plus an added benefit: deep conditioning treatment while dyeing your hair!

Unlike most henna products, this block-form henna contains cocoa butter to add thickness and features clove bud oil and lemon juice for stability. It also acts as a deep conditioning treatment while dyeing your hair.

Before applying this henna, rub Vaseline around the hairline and ears to prevent staining your skin.

To avoid staining your skin, apply Vaseline around your hairline and ears before applying this henna.

Also, use plenty of gloves as this henna can quickly become highly messy; allow four hours to develop this process entirely.

Since this henna can get messy, it is advised to use plenty of gloves during the application. Allow at least four hours for the dye to develop fully.


Henna dyes may help strengthen hair, preventing premature graying and brittleness.

Henna dyes can strengthen the hair, which may help prevent premature graying and brittleness.

Anecdotal reports also suggest henna can make your locks shine more. However, henna should be avoided on very dry or damaged locks for best results, as treatments could leave them greasy and heavy feeling.

Some anecdotal reports suggest that henna can make the hair appear shinier. However, avoiding applying henna on dry or damaged hair is best, as it may leave them feeling greasy and heavy.

Choose high-quality henna free from synthetic dyes and additives, and look for brands that use pure henna for the best results.

When selecting a henna product, choose a high-quality one free from synthetic dyes and additives. Look for brands that use pure henna for optimal results.

Wear old clothes and brush your hair tangle-free before sectioning off into partitions before applying petroleum jelly or Vaseline on the hairline before wearing gloves to allow the paste to penetrate deeper overnight for enhanced staining results.

Before applying henna, wear old clothes and ensure your hair is tangle-free. Section off your hair and apply petroleum jelly or Vaseline on the hairline before wearing gloves. This allows the henna paste to penetrate deeper overnight, enhancing color staining.

Henna can tint white or blonde hair a golden red shade or tone it down with indigo for darker brown tones.

Henna is suitable for tinting white or blonde hair with a golden red shade. It can also be combined with indigo to achieve darker brown tones.

Its translucent formula binds seamlessly with your natural hue; conduct a strand test before completing the head application for an accurate result.

Henna’s translucent formula blends smoothly with your natural hair color. To ensure accurate results, perform a strand test before applying it to your head.