How Long is 2 Inches of Hair?

Your hair’s length can have an enormous effect on your appearance. On average, it grows about half an inch each month, and two inches of growth is considered short to medium for men and long enough for expert braiding. Your growth rate may differ depending on what nutrients are consumed and any stressors encountered throughout life.

How to Measure Your Hair

For ease of measurement, a soft tape measure or ruler are the easiest ways to gauge hair length. This method is easy for others to understand and doesn’t require you to hold up your locks while measuring, which could result in inaccurate measurements.

Start by sectioning off a small portion of your hair, pulling it back so that the first part can be seen at the base of your scalp, and positioning a tape measure so it begins 1″ behind each ear (this is considered “ear length”). If your curls have springiness to them, measure while they’re wet to get an accurate measurement.