Witcher 3 Barbershop Hairstyles


The Witcher 3 is known for its immersive open world, filled with diverse environments and hidden locations. Barbershops are one such feature that players may overlook, but they offer unique hair and beard styles for the main character, Geralt.

Sjusta – Kaer Trolde Harbor on Ard Skellig

Sjusta is a barber located at Kaer Trolde Harbor on Ard Skellig. She also serves as a merchant and offers a game of Gwent in exchange for her services. Sjusta provides Geralt with a traditional bowl cut and long bangs hairstyle, suitable for formal events or wilderness expeditions. She can also unlock ponytails through the Cledwyn Rescue quest in Vizima’s Imperial Audience.

Claywich – Small Village in Skellige

Claywich is a small village in Skellige, offering a break from the vast open land. In addition to restocking supplies, players can enjoy playing Gwent with a friendly bartender. One of the barbers in Claywich, Jean-Louis Ludovic, provides Geralt with the Queen’s Pageboy haircut. There are also unnamed barbers at Tourney Grounds and Basane Farm, available after eliminating werewolf threats.

Svorlag – Practical Hairstyle for Fights

Svorlag offers a practical hairstyle for Geralt, known as the top knot. This style complements Geralt’s strong jawline and chiseled chin, and it is suitable for his combat-oriented lifestyle. The Blood and Wine DLC introduces the Queen’s Pageboy haircut, obtainable by speaking with Le Papillon at Ludovic’s shop in Southern Beauclair. Combining this with the Princess Tail creates an elegant look.

Valen – Elegant Personality and Bowl Cut

Valen is one of the named NPC barbers found in Velen, Novigrad, Oxenfurt, and Skellige. He has an elegant personality that sets him apart from the unnamed barbers. However, players must complete a quest associated with Valen in order to access his services. His bowl cut hairstyle focuses on highlighting the crown of the head and is ideal for fashionable individuals who may not have frequent barber visits.


Barbers in The Witcher 3 can be found throughout the map, marked by a pair of scissors. They offer various hairstyles, some requiring payment or specific requests. These hairstyles not only enhance Geralt’s appearance but also reflect his character and lifestyle in the game.