White Guy Haircuts

White guy haircuts are styles popular among Caucasian males and can range from classic crew cuts or Caesar cuts to edgier styles like mohawks or mullets.

The Edgar Cut

The Edgar cut is a short and eye-catching style that suits men of all ages. It pairs well with a low fade for added chicness.

Spiked Top Fade

Men with naturally curly hair can use gel or other styling products to create spikes. Spikes can be pinned back with fingers to achieve a stylish and effortless look. They work well with fade haircuts and can help conceal widow’s peaks or receding hairlines.

Long Top Fade

The long top fade is a trendy style that emphasizes facial features. It has shorter sides and back hair length than the top, creating an elongated head shape. Light hold hair paste or pomade is best for this look.

Short Mohawk

The mohawk fade is a popular hairstyle for those seeking an eye-catching military look. It adds flair and can be enhanced with a neat beard. Skin fade haircuts are also eye-catching and involve blending the hair into a sleek appearance.

Medium Messy Haircut

The messy haircut showcases natural hair texture and is ideal for those with a taper fade or undercut. It features long, messy top hair that can be styled in different ways, such as tousled loose or side-swept for a relaxed quiff. Maintenance requirements are low.

Long Top Short Sides

The long top short sides style is unique and attractive. It involves leaving a longer top length that can be spiked up with matte pomade for texture. Regular trims are necessary to maintain the shape. Commitment to maintenance is important for this style.