How to Style Red Purple Hair

Red-purple hair is an eye-catching combination that works for warm and cool skin tones alike, particularly short-cropped styles like bobs. Highlights can add dimension when adding visual interest on short cropped styles like these bobs. Whether it’s full balayage or just peekaboo highlights, your stylist will know how to incorporate color into your strands for maximum impact. Be sure to use a shampoo designed to maintain colored hair to extend its lifespan.

Light Purple Hair

When coloring your hair purple for an understated yet chic look, try keeping the roots darker to ensure freshness while protecting strands from bleach damage. Regina King exemplifies this trend with her long, dark purple braids. If you have blonde hair with light eyes, this violet hue could be just what’s needed to bring out their best features. The hue pairs beautifully with warm skin tones, brightening your complexion and drawing the eye color out even further. Request that your stylist use a balayage technique for a natural blended appearance that works well on straight and wavy hair styles.

Purple and Blue Hair

Adding a vibrant purple shade to your hair will turn heads, creating an eye-catching mermaid-inspired look perfect for long, flowing locks. Dark purple works particularly well on those with naturally medium to dark hair that has cool to neutral undertones, particularly those with excellent or neutral undertones. A balayage technique allows this hue to create depth at both the roots and ends of their locks, creating an eye-catching contrast in the shade. Reaching this vibrant hue requires bleaching your strands first and applying high-quality double-process hair dye to them. Always test out your paint in an inconspicuous area to avoid a significant hair disaster before proceeding further.

Mahogany Purple Hair

Mahogany is the perfect dark brown shade for those who like experimenting with color without going too wild. Boasting red and purple tones, it will look stunning against all skin tones, pairing perfectly with other hues like berry balayage. This vibrant color makes an eye-catching statement, making it a fantastic choice for those seeking to stand out. Additionally, its versatility means it suits a range of hairstyles; try pairing your new hue with a waterfall braid to highlight its vibrant hues, or add raspberry red peek-a-boo highlights for an even more significant impact.

Balayage Purple Hair

The balayage technique allows stylists to paint color onto hair without fully committing to roots or highlights. It is perfect for those experimenting with something different without going for roots or highlights. Dark purple balayage looks stunning on blonde and brunette locks and is particularly significant for women with cool skin tones. Balayage requires minimal upkeep yet periodic touchups. To keep its appearance vibrant and maintain it without the risk of color fading quickly, use only hair products approved for colored-treated hair products and avoid heat styling, which could accelerate its fading process. Furthermore, use glossing treatments to keep it vibrant!

Purple Ombre Hair

Purple ombre offers the ideal way to add a pop of color without overshadowing your natural hair shade. The light lavender hue in this style adds volume and dimension while remaining romantic and feminine. Its bold hue works wonderfully against dark bases to bring out its rich hues! Add an eye-catching flair to your purple ombre by going for an eye-catching blue-purple combination a la Demi Lovato. This vibrant color melt reflects the sky’s vivid shades and works beautifully with curly hair for an eye-catching look that will surely draw compliments wherever it goes! It will turn heads wherever it goes.

Purple Blonde Hair

Your blonde locks deserve something bright, vibrant, and eye-catching to stand out. A purple tint adds sophistication yet remains youthful and fresh, making it the ideal color choice to combine with highlights or an ombre style. One of the primary motivations behind why millennials dye their hair purple is to express their individuality and avoid conforming to conventional beauty standards. Instead, they often aim to break convention whenever possible and show their unconventional side. Your choice of purple hue will depend on your current hair color and complexion. Darker tones work well on darker hair, while pastel hues work great for lighter locks.