A Man With Facial Hair and Mustache Styles

Facial hair growth in men is stimulated by testosterone, potentially serving as an evolutionary signal to attract female partners. Women tend to find an attractive jawline appealing and perceive men with facial hair as more mature and masculine.

Facial Hair:

– Facial hair refers to hair that covers a man’s chin, cheeks, and upper lip region.

– Research suggests that women perceive men with facial hair as more mature and masculine.


– Beards and mustaches can add masculinity and sophistication, with a long history dating back to monarchs and religious figures.

– Studies show that women find men with beards more attractive, dominant, confident, and assertive than clean-shaven men.

– Beards can help conceal imperfections and make men appear younger. However, they may also have disadvantages, such as appearing unruly, causing breathing difficulties, and trapping germs and dust.


– Men can sport various mustache styles.

– Pencil mustaches grow just above the upper lip and are suitable for most face shapes.

– Full mustaches can be styled to match the length of the beard or left to grow independently, offering different styles.

– Beardstaches, a trendy new look, combine a beard and mustache, popularized by celebrities like David Beckham and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Van Dykes:

– Van Dyke mustaches and goatees offer an alternative to thicker facial hair styles.

– This style nicely frames the jaw area and is versatile and complementary to oval or heart-shaped faces.

– Van Dyke mustaches are short and trimmed to resemble stubble, often combined with thin mustaches shaped to appear twisted at the ends for a dapper appearance.

– Mutton chops are similar to Van Dykes but feature longer locks, creating a more authentic or rugged look.


– Men with full facial hair may find growing a goatee easier than a mustache.

– Goatees provide a stylish yet subtle way to conceal flaws like weak chins or thin lips.

– Maintenance includes trimming, using a beard comb, and applying beard oil or utility balm.

– For those struggling with total goatee growth, the Royale Goatee skips the connectors and functions as tiny mustaches instead.

Facial hair and mustache styles offer men a way to enhance their appearance, with options that range from mature and masculine to stylish and subtle. With the proper grooming regimen and products suited to individual needs, anyone can find a look that complements their facial structure and skin type.