How to Style Long Hair Back

Long hair back is an elegant and fashionable style. It can keep the locks out of your face and look imposing with curly or wavy locks.

Pin Straight

Pin-straight hair boasts an exquisitely sleek appearance, free from curls, waves, frizz, or puffiness. To achieve it, regular straightening tools or chemical straightening agents can often be used – though frequent straightening may damage hair or cause serious health concerns.

Middle Part

Middle parts are an ageless classic in any hairstyle, creating an eye-catching frame around your face and making styling effortless. They also lend themselves to casual or more elegant aesthetics – you can tuck hair behind your ears for a stylish look or tie it into a ponytail for more relaxed occasions.


Women’s undercut styles are an eye-catching and beautiful way to stand out. Choose an undercut design that complements and enhances your style – you could even try bold hues!


Braids are timeless fashion staples that never go out of style. Not only can they keep hair out of your face and protect it, but they also add a sense of sophistication. Plus, they’re simple and quick to do–a great way to show off your creativity!

Note: The headings have been made bold for easy identification.