Know Your Hair Type

Type 1: Straight Hair

Type 1 hair is completely straight with natural shine. It may become oilier quicker and requires extra precision and care for styling.

Type 1a hair strands are lovely and thin, making them susceptible to breaking and tangling. There will not be any shrinkage after drying.

Type 1b hair strands are slightly thicker than 1a’s, giving it a fuller appearance when wet. It is susceptible to frizz and flyaways but experiences minimal shrinkage.

Type 1c hair features more noticeable waves or bends than 1b and 1a. It is coarser and may appear more oily immediately after washing.

Type 2: Wavy Hair

Wavy hair provides a compromise between straight locks and curly ones. It has an undulating texture that forms more defined S-shaped wave patterns when dry.

Wavy hair has flat roots that lie close to the head, with spiral curls emerging toward the ears. Opt for lighter styling products to avoid weighing down the delicate fibers.

Type 3: Curly Hair

Curly hair has S-shaped curls, ranging from loose and bouncy ringlets to tight, springy corkscrew coils. It tends to be thicker and requires extra care to combat dryness and frizz.

Wavy locks cascade into distinct ‘S-shaped coils, offering a fuller and alluring appearance. It has more shine and less oiliness compared to straight styles.

Hair type 2a features loose and bouncy curls resembling an “S,” while type 2b has medium-sized coils for an enhanced volume effect.

Type 4: Kinky/Coily Hair

Type 4 hair has tightly coiling strands, primarily seen among Black women. It requires additional attention for moisture management and combatting shrinkage.

Type 4a hair features tight coils ranging from ringlets to corkscrew curls. It is okay, thin, and delicate but known for its elasticity and bounce.

Consistent water spraying or leave-in conditioning cream keeps this texture moisturized and manageable.