Color Ideas For Brunettes – Light Chocolate Brown Highlights

A touch of caramel highlights in light chocolate brown is a flattering look for brunettes. It is an easy way to add subtle yet natural-looking highlights without the commitment of full balayage.

Rich Balayage

When done right, balayage can create the appearance of naturally full hair. It’s especially great for brunettes as it won’t make their strands appear too thin or flat; plus, it’s less damaging than bleaching!


Ribbons can add lively hues to your locks. Choose from an array of vibrant hues and create an eye-catching style with this fun hair accessory! Made of long, narrow strips of cloth woven together into ribbons, ribbons can also be used for other purposes, such as decorating birthday presents or creating banners.

Turquoise Ombre

Turquoise ombre hair color can add an unforgettable splash of color. It works best on those with dark locks, which contrast nicely against its lighter blue tones. Use light to medium turquoise shades for an understated ombre effect, and add blonde highlights for extra pop.

Pink Ombre

If you have long hair, a dramatic brunette-to-pink ombre will create an eye-catching style sure to attract compliments and people’s attention. This vibrant magenta hue will showcase highlights beautifully while offering those experimenting with vivid pink colors a taste of what to expect when going whole ombre.

The Blue Ombre Lashes look is sure to get attention wherever it goes, perfect for those with naturally long locks looking for added style and volume. Unfortunately, however, this shade will require frequent touch-ups for optimal results.