How to Protect Hat Hair

Even though wearing a hat can keep your head warm, it can harm your hair. This includes flat and wilted strands with indentations when removing the cap and frizz and static build-up.

Natural Hairstyles

Natural hair can be beautiful and effortless, but maintaining its condition requires extra effort and time. Luckily, protective styles can help you look fashionable during winter without spending too much time on your hair.

Sleek Buns

If you want to achieve the effortlessly polished look of models, a sleek bun may be the perfect solution. Here’s how to achieve it:

Straight hair with a Sliver of a Middle Part

If your straight hair tends to flatten quickly, consider getting a haircut to prevent the issue. Add shine or oil on the ends for protection from breakage or snagging. Alternatively, try a middle part: