Hairline Repair Options

Your hairline is integral to your appearance, and various options are available to restore or enhance its shape. These remedies may include medications (minoxidil and finasteride), scalp micro pigmentation, platelet-rich plasma treatment, and wigs; however, surgical solutions provide more lasting transformational effects. Here are the top options:

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a surgical hair transplant method that involves moving healthy, permanent follicles from areas of healthy hair growth into those experiencing hair loss. FUT is considered the most efficient technique for creating dense fullness to hairlines and covering up bald spots.

FUT involves taking a strip of donor hair from your scalp’s donor area (typically found at the back and sides) and dissecting it under a microscope. Each follicular unit, consisting of one to four hairs, is then placed into tiny recipient sites on your scalp and hairline. This procedure aims to produce natural-looking results, and the placement and arrangement of these follicular units determine your final result. Multi-follicular unit grafts should generally be avoided as they can lead to an unnatural-looking pluggy look. Instead, Our doctors opt for single or multiple hair follicular unit grafts with one to four hairs per follicle, providing excellent coverage while being consistent with how natural hair grows.

Surgical hair restoration involves transplanting hair follicles to restore thinning or balding areas of the scalp and fill in eyebrows and mustaches. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is one of the two main methods used for harvesting hair follicles for transplantation (strip surgery being the other primary option).

FUE allows surgeons to individually harvest individual follicular units one by one from behind the head without making standard surgical incisions. This leaves only a small hole that heals over time and should become nearly undetectable as new hair returns. FUE may require more time and labor, but its advantages outweigh these drawbacks, including reduced scarring risks and greater surgical precision to reach hard-to-reach places like frontal hairlines. However, FUE may only be suitable for some. Those with tight skin who find strip harvesting challenging or Fox grade 3 hair loss may not be good candidates for this procedure.

Scalp Micropigmentation, commonly called SMP, is a popular non-surgical hairline restoration treatment that uses cosmetic pigmentation techniques to create the illusion of shaved stubble or greater density in the scalp. It has become a go-to choice among men and women experiencing hair thinning or receding hairlines.

SMP is similar to tattooing, using fine needles and pigments to recreate the look of real hair. When choosing an SMP artist, they must understand all of the complexities involved in creating natural-looking hairlines. An artist offering consultation services can answer your questions about desired results and ensure you receive proper advice on how best to proceed. SMP can also be used to camouflage scars left from past haircuts or surgical procedures that resulted in thinned hairlines, complementing transplant surgery by creating the appearance of fullness while waiting for natural follicles to sprout again. While this technique is permanent, occasional touch-ups will be necessary to maintain an authentic appearance.

Surgery allows surgeons to alter the shape of your forehead and hairline by manipulating muscles or shifting skin to lower brows, helping you look younger, or correcting crookedness in your nose. A forehead lift is often performed in combination with other cosmetic procedures to meet aesthetic goals, such as facelifting or jaw implant placement. However, it can also help remedy high or receding hairlines or eyebrows.

Once numbed, a surgeon will use a surgical skin marker to mark the forehead and the area where hairline lowering occurs. Great care must be taken not to disrupt hair follicles or nerves when cuttingcutting. Surgeons will either use one long coronal incision or multiple smaller ones for a less-invasive endoscopic brow lift approach. This allows them to lift and reposition their forehead, skin, and muscles for an animated appearance. Using an instrument inserted through these incisions, surgeons can lift forehead skin while also realigning muscles and tissues for more pronounced results.