The Significance of Hair-Like Wool

The Imagery of Wool and Snow

Some have assumed that when Revelation 1:14 mentions Jesus having hair “white as wool,” it only refers to its color. However, this must be more accurate as it conveys a simile rather than a literal meaning. Biblical writers intentionally use figures of speech to give specific purposes. “White as wool” symbolizes God’s purity and holiness, evoking an image of an angel with pure white wings or the Ancient of Days figure in Daniel 7:9. Snow’s symbolism of cleanliness is also connected to Jesus, emphasizing his purity.

The Imagery of Brass

Proponents of the argument that “white as wool” refers only to color, not texture, fail to consider scripture. Jesus had hair like brass, not tightly wound like wool. The Greek word chalkolibanon used to describe this hair also refers to golden metal or copper. John’s vision shows Jesus embodying divine holiness and purity, symbolized by his pure and bright hair. This revelation in Revelation 1:14 challenges attempts to distort Jesus’ true nature.

The Imagery of Water

In John’s vision, he observes someone with “hair like wool” alongside other notable features like flame-like eyes and a mouth from which emerges a sword-shaped jaw. It is essential to understand that this visionary description, including the white hair, does not imply Jesus’ race. It may signify purity or allude to Daniel 7:9’s Ancient of Days figure.

The Imagery of Fire

John describes more than just Jesus’ white hair in his depiction. Each aspect of Jesus’ appearance conveys something about his identity. The white hair represents purity and holiness, emphasizing Jesus’ sacrifice as the lamb who died for our sins. The flame-like eyes symbolize His omniscience, signifying He sees everything and knows everything. These descriptions align with Daniel’s vision of the Ancient of Days, emphasizing Jesus’ eternal glory and purity.