The Hair Levels with Beautiful Hairstyle

First, you should know your hair levels. For example, if you are a level 4.5, you should know that you look dark. Level 4.5 is between a light brown and a light red. You can use a color chart to determine what your exact level is. Here’s how: Take a small section of your hair and hold it away from the rest of your hair. Then, compare the section’s color with the closest number on the chart.

Level 4.5

Hair color levels are a confusing issue, especially for amateurs. Many companies use different systems for color shades. Some use numbers from 1-7 and others go as high as 12 to determine how light or dark a color is. However, it’s not always easy to determine which shade you need, because some dyes are darker or lighter than others.

Before choosing the right shade of toner for your client, consider the shade of pre-lightened Hair. Pre-lightened hair will have pale yellow pigment. In this case, the natural instinct is to tone it with violet. But, this color will actually look darker than level 9. This is because violet is a cool tone, which absorbs light and makes it appear darker. You can balance out the extra violet by using a gold toner.

Lightest red

When it comes to red hair color, there are many levels of shades to choose from. These levels are broken down by tone, so that you can find the perfect match for your skin tone. Level one is the lightest red, while level two and three are the darkest shades. These shades are usually natural or lightened, depending on your own Hair color.

Level four is a shade of red that is usually medium to dark. While this shade is not the most common on a box dye, it is flattering for people whose natural hair color is Level 2 through level six. However, it is not so common as Level 6.5, and is not recommended for every woman. Nevertheless, it can be a great way to go if you are a brunette and want to change your Hair color. Those with natural red hair are often attracted to this shade, and it is flattering on anyone.

Level 8.5 is between light blonde and platinum blonde shades. However, it’s possible to find people with very light red hair in this shade. Alternatively, you can go for level nine for the lightest strawberry blonde shade. While it’s rare to find a person with natural light red hair, this Hair colour is a common hair dye shade. However, be aware that level nine can run into unwanted yellow tones, and can be easily corrected with a purple tone or a colour depositing product.