Hair Fungus


hair fungus, also known as ringworm of the scalp or tinea capitis, can cause itching, red patches, itchy bald spots, black dots, and even hair loss. It can spread quickly through direct contact or sharing personal items like combs and hats. Severe infections can lead to serious health complications.


hair fungus is caused by dermatophyte fungi that thrive in warm and damp environments. It can manifest as itchy scale-like patches, black dots, gray patches with flaking resembling dandruff, or blistered and crusted patches known as kerion patches. Children who share personal items are at a higher risk of infection.


hair fungus can be effectively treated with antifungal medication, such as griseofulvin or terbinafine, and special antifungal shampoo. It is essential to consult a physician for proper diagnosis and treatment. Garlic and tea tree oil also have antifungal properties and can be home remedies.


To prevent hair fungus, keeping personal items clean, avoiding sharing them, and maintaining good hygiene practices are essential. Individuals with compromised immune systems are at a higher risk, so taking extra precautions is necessary. Regularly cleaning combs and brushes and using antifungal products can help reduce the chances of infection.