Color Ideas For Redheads

Light shades of red for playful and pale skin:

– Women with pale skin and blue or green eyes can bring out their playful side by dyeing strawberry blonde or coppery red locks for maximum impact.

Dark Mahogany Red:

– Dark red shades like mahogany can be an excellent choice for those who desire to become redheads but need more time to be ready for fire-engine red.

– Mahogany to copper ombre is a more subdued option, providing a stunning look against most skin tones.

Burgundy balayage for brunettes:

– Burgundy balayage blends seamlessly with natural brunette hair, adding drama and contrast between dark and light shades.

Cherry Red:

– Cherry red is ideal for those who want to experiment with dark shades without drastically lightening their natural hair color.

– Chocolate cherry red adds a pop of red without leaning too orange, perfect for natural brown tones.

Golden Copper highlights for natural redheads:

– Copper highlights can give a redhead’s look an added pop without high maintenance.

– Light shades of copper, such as dusty blonde with touches of copper, work well on many complexions and complement wavy locks.


– Soft red tones like warm ginger provide a compromise for blondes and brunettes who want to add red without going full redhead.

– Strawberry blonde offers a light red option for those seeking a more subtle look.

Bold Fire Engine Red:

– A fiery fire engine hue compliments warmer skin tones and is suitable for women over 60.

Brownish-Red for versatility:

– Auburn or brownish-red hues add warmth and versatility to any complexion.

– Mahogany shades blend natural-looking tones for a low-maintenance redhead look.