Maintaining Good Hair Men

Exciting hair Revival for Men

Men’s hair is experiencing an exciting revival. Now that the lockdown period has ended, more men are taking risks with their styles.

Proper hair Washing Routine

Washing your hair daily strips it of its natural oils, making it look dry and brittle. Instead, wash your locks twice or thrice weekly for maximum benefits.

Adding Texture for Wavy or Curly hair

Men with wavy or curly hair should consider using salt spray to add texture, while sugar spray offers more subdued effects.

Regular Trims for Healthy hair

One of the key ways you can ensure your hair remains healthy is to visit a barber or hairstylist regularly – for most men; this should mean two to three weeks at least.

Benefits of Regular Trims

Regular haircuts or trims maintain its health and make managing it much simpler, too; shorter strands are less likely to tangle or fly away when combing through for morning primping! Plus, trimming out split ends prevents them from growing back longer and creating additional problems!